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(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
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(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
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(at 275.22 36.8)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
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(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 277ff9b5-13f3-423a-9101-1d522e7c6dd8)
(at 86.995 93.0675 90)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
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(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 7d11be81-87f1-49e3-9238-c2291c332a54))
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(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 836bc690-d42f-448d-9478-803f734d5e7f))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 99226c6b-7451-48d2-a312-b4f5397b9e8e))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp d775cfd8-f919-481e-a246-586f3202b7c6))
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(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 6f5d5c49-04b6-4352-a630-728107ce05bf))
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(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0 90) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 41 "Net-(C17-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp b11deb7f-c86f-4f0e-8d08-6be78bc3e5c0))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0 90) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 39 "Net-(C17-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp fac78ee4-51cf-46d3-9a1e-5188c795e5ed))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 35bd1c74-bf2c-4361-98e8-7b9e1dda3389)
(at 101.8775 86.36)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/f300a717-9890-4131-8316-c152763d998c")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "R16" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp b14ff658-bda8-4a0f-8698-95c0483b3fbf)
(fp_text value "10k" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 56a4fec8-c024-4882-91e1-96c3518f63b1)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 7b1fb2b9-06b2-4cca-8791-56f4f9e2070d)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 1a090648-775e-43cb-8745-34607af4fe50))
(fp_line (start -0.254724 0.5225) (end 0.254724 0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 7de53142-e558-46ca-a974-17e3059c52a6))
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(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 5d0c0511-2423-4ffc-981c-315ea03169ff))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp b9bb7e48-21ad-417b-93f8-67eca2331649))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp bf6eb881-42ab-4eba-b95b-d0f9fee45b50))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 70e58da1-f263-4937-a017-9a93e1477dde))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 7d9eae5c-727e-48f5-9ffc-04c19fcef8e1))
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(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 14 "ADC_Q") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 43947645-903a-436c-af7c-90852645526d))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 53 "+3.3V") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 61c8a4e3-44e3-496f-bbba-e4a07ae550e9))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 36c508b2-11e7-4792-9bd3-ffd745416782)
(at 257.82 42.97)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/71eb7282-1fff-4f62-93ee-0c261d2d8b88")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "R18" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp ebac3eff-ef03-4312-a1b9-d9074a16402a)
(fp_text value "10k" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp c52e908a-704c-40d5-b7e9-b37538f645d1)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 1b256d1b-6717-4239-a428-42f8ba0aeb8c)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 0.5225) (end 0.254724 0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 1f63e667-7bcd-451a-9480-fc3493b19dfd))
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ea5f38c5-e7d1-4dc3-82ed-4be9eb724f95))
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(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp df7a20fb-5707-4f15-90ff-1241345d675a))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp e6f9863e-960f-4d36-949a-4334e20c799d))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 22a65f5d-0e0a-4980-ae45-e746384606a0))
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(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 6bb6f887-e5d3-40d3-940d-898cd5c2ccaa))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp c083e600-8854-4e72-afd2-e9b57abc104d))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 53 "+3.3V") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 35af084b-6775-434a-96d0-c6cb66c47561))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 16 "Net-(C21-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp e972612a-98b2-4991-9cc6-b430d4674503))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x07_P2.54mm_Vertical" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 59FED5CC) (tstamp 36cc157a-bce9-4cdb-9109-7b4b61290438)
(at 92.71 62.23 -90)
(descr "Through hole straight pin header, 1x07, 2.54mm pitch, single row")
(tags "Through hole pin header THT 1x07 2.54mm single row")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/5ba7b60f-1246-410b-bf81-0cc77535d0d9")
(attr through_hole)
(fp_text reference "J4" (at 0 -2.33 90) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 89aeb4ca-0cc4-457f-af0d-c769c54a5891)
(fp_text value "Si5351 Breakout" (at 0 17.57 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp f4fdf6d3-753d-4b7f-b52d-4f55b98f03d4)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 7.62) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 24011ac7-70f2-4a66-94e0-1fbe8427c2f9)
(fp_line (start -1.33 -1.33) (end 0 -1.33) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 1c11451e-0534-4fa9-9202-4390fc7c1d15))
(fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 1.27) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 2ed023a3-93c2-4646-977e-599fc4133d26))
(fp_line (start 1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 16.57) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 791d5700-833f-453f-95f1-a3f1303f22ab))
(fp_line (start -1.33 16.57) (end 1.33 16.57) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 88d6fb48-acec-4165-93d9-9c37d2d4078f))
(fp_line (start -1.33 0) (end -1.33 -1.33) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 8b94e541-cf86-4058-81ec-12d8d3c5fe37))
(fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end -1.33 16.57) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 9fa2a635-941b-4266-b793-7059b67bdf6b))
(fp_line (start -1.8 17.05) (end 1.8 17.05) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 6a0e9ee5-9c0c-4747-93d1-fe75f576aeac))
(fp_line (start 1.8 17.05) (end 1.8 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 978f6034-874f-45cb-9b07-80a96530f267))
(fp_line (start 1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp dbb54577-123b-46f9-b124-1bbe9d7eda9b))
(fp_line (start -1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 17.05) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp ebbe7021-fd76-429c-91d1-88618a749f20))
(fp_line (start -1.27 16.51) (end -1.27 -0.635) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 4468ace7-a2c7-41c0-9f5a-5c3e2a37177a))
(fp_line (start -0.635 -1.27) (end 1.27 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 6e6ed998-8be6-4ad5-b9e1-da16484f3382))
(fp_line (start -1.27 -0.635) (end -0.635 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 8ba6c8f2-979d-490c-8d36-ddf1b60023f4))
(fp_line (start 1.27 16.51) (end -1.27 16.51) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b686437a-cf7b-47c5-9ce9-e93915f619a4))
(fp_line (start 1.27 -1.27) (end 1.27 16.51) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b73f1aa5-2b7c-4c2a-bebc-34becf7859fc))
(pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 27 "+5V") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp bf50265b-052c-47e3-9acb-ce82f4af29b9))
(pad "2" thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 270) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp a76e4d76-e898-4c59-bf19-8dc725ae6840))
(pad "3" thru_hole oval (at 0 5.08 270) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 42 "SDA_PLL") (pinfunction "Pin_3") (pintype "passive") (tstamp a96b013b-44ef-4767-b055-c73a1edcd52d))
(pad "4" thru_hole oval (at 0 7.62 270) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 43 "SCL_PLL") (pinfunction "Pin_4") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 8f64f1d1-3fc2-4319-9325-ad5fdc074108))
(pad "5" thru_hole oval (at 0 10.16 270) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 20 "CLK0") (pinfunction "Pin_5") (pintype "passive") (tstamp a3d7f6e8-6f17-40c6-b407-77c5369aa2e1))
(pad "6" thru_hole oval (at 0 12.7 270) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 22 "CLK1") (pinfunction "Pin_6") (pintype "passive") (tstamp c7ff0e3f-bd2b-4ee7-aa9c-f1608048980c))
(pad "7" thru_hole oval (at 0 15.24 270) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 62 "CLK2") (pinfunction "Pin_7") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 40363e81-d142-4518-87ea-594f59c100d6))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm.3dshapes/PinHeader_1x07_P2.54mm_Vertical.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 3eb0b384-c237-46c6-8721-1d4e4a0847ec)
(at 68.58 104.14)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/1f4f4b35-e2e4-4a87-9b42-940dea6eb805")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "R2" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp b3886352-7261-4172-babb-09f8fad97c23)
(fp_text value "1k" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp dd64aa83-51a4-4e50-800e-0a6b1aef23f8)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp f1d463f3-6c25-4429-bc3b-76cf32dee0b1)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 96feb37e-7638-427b-9ebd-2796cc1f658f))
(fp_line (start -0.254724 0.5225) (end 0.254724 0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp e0c6feca-bbc6-4d12-861f-4ff32a872203))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 2c4831d0-5696-4787-83e1-6b76da745c97))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 512033c7-ec27-4ba7-ae27-ec3d9d513859))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 776ec86f-80cd-4488-883a-3ef83f6890b1))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp e099641c-f16f-44a1-9576-3727bc81ac51))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 11e0d462-7619-4380-a81a-fa78962cc841))
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(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp f5e7e06e-dd1e-43cc-a014-9b29e741701f))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 3 "Net-(C2-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 1a2cf7a0-8a93-4654-9549-68611d992572))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 17383c55-702d-4f3e-9542-dc0d0f53b531))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Package_SO:SO-8_5.3x6.2mm_P1.27mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5EA5315B) (tstamp 401001fb-236c-4a11-81e4-4047a990eca1)
(at 93.0275 93.345)
(descr "SO, 8 Pin (https://www.ti.com/lit/ml/msop001a/msop001a.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SO SO")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/320c4831-d108-487d-b58c-c68d935468be")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "U5" (at 0 -4.05) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp a644e554-85ba-446c-a234-6952ca1b1d5c)
(fp_text value "TL072" (at 0 4.05) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 2aac78db-c0db-4460-9650-b6d3e0e257a3)
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(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
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(fp_line (start 0 -3.21) (end -2.76 -3.21) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp b4904339-ddfc-4696-b53d-eca9bd5a248a))
(fp_line (start 0 3.21) (end 2.76 3.21) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ba570ee4-f981-4fa9-a29e-946e1b5dd23e))
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(fp_line (start 0 -3.21) (end 2.76 -3.21) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ff83fa10-a1f0-4728-889a-4f9ed9f3bcda))
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(fp_line (start 4.7 3.35) (end 4.7 -3.35) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp b07d879f-98b7-4755-b93d-3b9a16d9b73a))
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(fp_line (start 2.65 -3.1) (end 2.65 3.1) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 45bca654-a242-4cb4-99c1-34efb4e07762))
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(net 39 "Net-(C17-Pad2)") (pintype "output") (tstamp d0ffa6be-9815-4379-8af4-3a2593245bef))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at -3.5 -0.635) (size 1.9 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 40 "Net-(R11-Pad2)") (pinfunction "-") (pintype "input") (tstamp a45cd5d5-09a9-47ae-8d16-0a5db461dd1c))
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(net 41 "Net-(C17-Pad1)") (pinfunction "+") (pintype "input") (tstamp fcb7535f-375c-40e5-b176-c36934bdb107))
(pad "4" smd roundrect (at -3.5 1.905) (size 1.9 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "V-") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp 25c22036-b816-4502-b5ff-ceae9e0d9460))
(pad "5" smd roundrect (at 3.5 1.905) (size 1.9 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 56 "Net-(C16-Pad1)") (pinfunction "+") (pintype "input") (tstamp bb8eff83-84e0-41ef-bfa8-dc987f48a927))
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(net 57 "Net-(R9-Pad2)") (pinfunction "-") (pintype "input") (tstamp 3ae118a3-0427-4d3f-a418-41075c36e381))
(pad "7" smd roundrect (at 3.5 -0.635) (size 1.9 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 58 "Net-(C16-Pad2)") (pintype "output") (tstamp d0341964-5050-4d12-b77a-2420b2a28e71))
(pad "8" smd roundrect (at 3.5 -1.905) (size 1.9 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 "+5V") (pinfunction "V+") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp 58c4d62c-d545-430e-9c5c-e18a6224e659))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SO-8_5.3x6.2mm_P1.27mm.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Connector_Coaxial:SMA_Amphenol_132289_EdgeMount" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A1C1810) (tstamp 422dee9b-db2f-4a0b-b401-ec85e3907ff3)
(at 53.6225 118.11 180)
(descr "http://www.amphenolrf.com/132289.html")
(tags "SMA")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/d843298c-7b40-49e3-8b56-6492e06c6d78")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "J2" (at -3.96 -3 90) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp e40cb945-e25d-465a-b7f8-32aa836161a5)
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(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 4.79 0 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
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(fp_line (start -3.71 0.25) (end -3.21 0) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 8ac9d345-f102-4662-88dd-103eff1ce6ce))
(fp_line (start -3.71 -0.25) (end -3.71 0.25) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 96313b1e-3aa0-4f41-9704-7cf0104c78f5))
(fp_line (start -3.21 0) (end -3.71 -0.25) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp d5560b68-5c2c-4aaf-8544-e1e3ee1679b2))
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(fp_line (start 14.47 5.58) (end -3.04 5.58) (layer "B.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 425142ff-38f1-4464-9ea6-3c1267e4286c))
(fp_line (start 14.47 -5.58) (end 14.47 5.58) (layer "B.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 53265d08-3d01-4b70-b370-35338b88554b))
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(fp_line (start 14.47 -5.58) (end 14.47 5.58) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 766b4c31-b9d3-41ee-baf8-49ce4157942f))
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(fp_line (start 3.54 0) (end 2.54 0.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 2059631f-053e-469b-9c6c-5ee17396eb79))
(fp_line (start -1.91 5.08) (end 4.445 5.08) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 269bded2-9a03-4a80-bef7-72d9cb6c3d51))
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(fp_line (start 4.445 5.08) (end 4.445 3.81) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 986179e1-ec59-45f1-8c3c-4b465d83d42f))
(fp_line (start 2.54 -0.75) (end 3.54 0) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp bd97ea20-889c-4f95-b50c-cc2776860839))
(fp_line (start 4.445 -3.81) (end 13.97 -3.81) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp cef3a31d-ed07-4618-8136-5bd719f968e0))
(fp_line (start 13.97 -3.81) (end 13.97 3.81) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp dc077055-3b62-459d-9d2b-d2969678474a))
(fp_line (start -1.91 -3.81) (end 2.54 -3.81) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp dc2134af-2dc5-4222-920b-bce14ebc647b))
(fp_line (start -1.91 -5.08) (end 4.445 -5.08) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp f1134a11-8a16-44c4-8d82-b5b7f2ba6810))
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(pad "1" smd rect (at 0 0 270) (size 1.5 5.08) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 7 "RF") (pinfunction "In") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 3bd5ffc8-d254-420d-9443-2ae59391c1ed))
(pad "2" smd rect (at 0 4.25 270) (size 1.5 5.08) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "Ext") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 06d113f4-ebd2-4a5f-9947-1f5d43e80a2f))
(pad "2" smd rect (at 0 4.25 270) (size 1.5 5.08) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "Ext") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 1ab3ea2d-5466-48bf-9d5c-02660067f964))
(pad "2" smd rect (at 0 -4.25 270) (size 1.5 5.08) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "Ext") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 746ca96d-709d-4e27-8fca-33934f5caebc))
(pad "2" smd rect (at 0 -4.25 270) (size 1.5 5.08) (layers "B.Cu" "B.Paste" "B.Mask")
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "Ext") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 796c78d6-6436-422d-83cc-5b3b16204cdf))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Connector_Coaxial.3dshapes/SMA_Amphenol_132289_EdgeMount.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "TestPoint:TestPoint_THTPad_D1.5mm_Drill0.7mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A0F774F) (tstamp 4256b676-1fd8-4322-9a31-177914a201f9)
(at 74.295 95.885)
(descr "THT pad as test Point, diameter 1.5mm, hole diameter 0.7mm")
(tags "test point THT pad")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/c587351e-3452-4e4d-abc8-c6ab30116b05")
(attr exclude_from_pos_files)
(fp_text reference "TP7" (at 0 -1.648) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 50378532-dad9-42e9-af75-0589782b7fee)
(fp_text value "TestPoint" (at 0 1.75) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 4e37ad4c-8c1a-4ad8-a1ac-5171554041af)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 -1.65) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 22172758-eb63-4090-b03f-e7bad64f70cd)
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 0.95) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp 63a8e8d3-bae1-4f8c-99e4-cb5d27027e9e))
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(pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 12 "Net-(C10-Pad1)") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp fcf5fbcd-cc61-43ab-b6df-9264d0c12361))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp 460e8000-67a5-4344-98f1-9d91e63751ed)
(at 262.17 45.48)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/290f5cee-e4e3-4179-8496-0a76066ba45e")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "C15" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
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(fp_text value "100nF" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
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(tstamp 9df73c53-cc48-4c25-8497-a15bd16c409d)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp d58f4b67-e084-4299-9d46-310f39193133)
(fp_line (start -0.146267 0.51) (end 0.146267 0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 4d1400a6-e509-4fa8-961f-399199f756f5))
(fp_line (start -0.146267 -0.51) (end 0.146267 -0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp c2782193-9fca-42d2-a53f-4703e519770c))
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(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 425a8b40-bb9b-4d3e-9679-03b7a452600f))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 8242347c-63f5-4391-87f7-1389d7924687))
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(net 27 "+5V") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 6852fbe2-f7f8-412c-a50a-262a6fc161b4))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 644de180-3594-4528-bd01-0481f3efc0e0))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "TestPoint:TestPoint_THTPad_D1.5mm_Drill0.7mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A0F774F) (tstamp 49877285-ea14-4e94-a7e6-bb160f94448d)
(at 59.69 118.11)
(descr "THT pad as test Point, diameter 1.5mm, hole diameter 0.7mm")
(tags "test point THT pad")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/b70f7648-1fc4-427e-8330-05076e91e9a5")
(attr exclude_from_pos_files)
(fp_text reference "TP1" (at 0 -1.648) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 111c4281-6447-46b2-8e98-2c7921b28298)
(fp_text value "TestPoint" (at 0 1.75) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 5a3d37d4-a5c0-4e2c-b962-21a5e127de57)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 -1.65) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 25a60434-5a69-44a9-9fc6-98defeaba970)
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 0.95) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp b9c2f322-33cc-4b84-a7dd-7af8c19b04f4))
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(pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 7 "RF") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 65982a9b-fc98-48d8-8c45-7a6f941a12de))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp 530a56ef-2056-4fe9-ae0e-0aca7b2d5d01)
(at 68.58 91.2125 90)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/a0eb4f95-47b6-4203-9351-21b1ca735303")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "C14" (at 0 -1.43 90) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
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(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp b5d7ae87-2fa0-4fa8-aac8-bc2eadf8931d)
(fp_line (start -0.146267 -0.51) (end 0.146267 -0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 8c6f2a97-6d22-4726-9579-5363ae75fbbe))
(fp_line (start -0.146267 0.51) (end 0.146267 0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp c516f4a8-53e3-41dd-9039-40ce82f3d2db))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 00875486-82fe-4c37-bd7c-60f8157eb6e8))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 19584ed3-05ea-4511-aa73-2660fe519383))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 3aa6d88d-6db7-4abf-ad03-b350b3be5651))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp cb5927a3-e69e-4087-94bf-93d33bcf6d80))
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(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 2f109e64-70af-4f1b-aaf4-5afe489c224c))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 73c173d7-69ec-4382-9049-cf107216b8cf))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp d2dc0a47-0fb6-4245-8756-f09853e1bdc6))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.8625 0 90) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 13 "Net-(C14-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 52e0d502-d21b-4c40-b5c1-014be89f48b0))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0 90) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp cae6cd36-2791-4ca8-a56e-8adb4326689b))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-92_Inline_Wide" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A02FF81) (tstamp 531e8a94-19a3-4da5-b234-fa3344348c30)
(at 91.44 118.11 180)
(descr "TO-92 leads in-line, wide, drill 0.75mm (see NXP sot054_po.pdf)")
(tags "to-92 sc-43 sc-43a sot54 PA33 transistor")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/48f7dd9a-c82f-45b8-ac87-2e2d54dcfb3b")
(attr through_hole)
(fp_text reference "Q2" (at 2.54 -3.56) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 41f40c19-0ee3-422c-90e6-1c708a822451)
(fp_text value "BS170" (at 2.54 2.79) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 494b8529-bf2c-4c85-9d87-46472916a6a9)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 2.54 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 8c45b0fd-1fcc-41e9-bf5e-e0fbe250f5e6)
(fp_line (start 0.74 1.85) (end 4.34 1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp f744e060-ffc5-46d8-a6b2-31b2a5dee488))
(fp_arc (start 4.864184 1.122795) (mid 4.633903 1.509328) (end 4.34 1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 210d5e5a-df25-4487-af30-c9d3b8975a0d))
(fp_arc (start 0.74 1.85) (mid 0.446097 1.509328) (end 0.215816 1.122795) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 27aa8c47-9174-49f4-916c-4e2950834643))
(fp_arc (start 2.54 -2.6) (mid 3.936979 -2.192818) (end 4.8964 -1.098807) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 699bf6e1-dbe0-493e-a5ac-a85eed401ef8))
(fp_arc (start 0.1836 -1.098807) (mid 1.143021 -2.192817) (end 2.54 -2.6) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp f3a4431e-cb61-4e05-b508-f44f6f5831e9))
(fp_line (start 6.09 2.01) (end 6.09 -2.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 10bbbd3c-9b54-47be-a4aa-d811b1783083))
(fp_line (start -1.01 -2.73) (end -1.01 2.01) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 70147ff8-2fe3-4f8a-9184-4c822064e98f))
(fp_line (start 6.09 2.01) (end -1.01 2.01) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 9b255483-db19-48e8-8781-4e0e0638ea6f))
(fp_line (start -1.01 -2.73) (end 6.09 -2.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp ba4d2f7c-cb7f-42d3-9b13-c5cc2ad08724))
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(fp_arc (start 0.786375 1.753625) (mid 0.248779 -0.949055) (end 2.54 -2.48) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 8fd43d74-6913-49fe-8ee1-d94615c20598))
(fp_arc (start 2.54 -2.48) (mid 4.831221 -0.949055) (end 4.293625 1.753625) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 9c979ac5-7aa1-4d35-b36f-7c594ceb26cd))
(pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0 180) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "D") (pintype "passive") (tstamp b444fc24-d6ab-491c-bb25-b5de8101a56e))
(pad "2" thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 180) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 5 "Net-(Q2-Pad2)") (pinfunction "G") (pintype "input") (tstamp 10095cbd-7c48-4b42-b176-821b6244d95b))
(pad "3" thru_hole circle (at 5.08 0 180) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 6 "Net-(L1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "S") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 35e4d8a7-724b-428d-9e6a-66ef8e7574dc))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Package_TO_SOT_THT.3dshapes/TO-92_Inline_Wide.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 54fa75e8-4eb6-450e-816a-995f15df106e)
(at 257.82 45.48)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/cb4352a4-d4d3-4f53-9df1-91940ee58c7f")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "R5" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
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(tstamp f059ed45-bef6-4974-8ff4-ab3c790ae316)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 688da539-5d1f-44c3-b7a2-4bcb9d1ef158)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 3017ff17-3d76-4996-8fea-eaab0c2ec923))
(fp_line (start -0.254724 0.5225) (end 0.254724 0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp f7a76f54-0e02-473d-9f2f-a1939ef27402))
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(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 11163ac5-6ccd-4e12-b24c-c76c305e44e8))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 1d0d6c6c-b070-420e-b883-4b78bfc6657a))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 3457e963-b017-442f-a98b-78d601b8fccb))
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(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 4683328e-047c-4ab9-a728-694cc011e0df))
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(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp fef23bf7-f824-43c0-8065-0255def8abc2))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 59 "Net-(C4-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp c11a7cbd-e623-476f-9d56-a345224e7f74))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp ae5afebc-56a6-4151-a0ca-e4bef57b8a8d))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp 551f15ba-d55d-432e-ad38-45ae80fcc3ba)
(at 276.86 26.76)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/d653b5f7-c93d-4d7f-826b-06ec0575606f")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "C3" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 10397562-7a49-42de-a3a9-20d9111d0343)
(fp_text value "100nF" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 2afcac3b-8634-4fc1-8667-38d3beca9b15)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 902c3f8a-39f3-4628-a636-44e20f983382)
(fp_line (start -0.146267 -0.51) (end 0.146267 -0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 357cc1d9-dca2-44e8-8da1-ac0ebd50a97d))
(fp_line (start -0.146267 0.51) (end 0.146267 0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp c781b03f-2a9c-40c6-ba08-d7cbf3688981))
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(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 71df043f-de6c-4522-8e55-08f44bb0915c))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 756ca6bc-8d90-418a-9c9f-3d2706719295))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp aa9b0268-311d-4560-8943-843a139e0442))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 4f9fa616-78dc-40a8-a48f-a1700e60c518))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5a14a18c-34cf-4887-bcce-f8c232698b6c))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5cbfcc66-d28c-4ac6-895f-43650412ae88))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b6f030bf-5029-4dbc-a018-32e0d94393f7))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 28 "+12V") (pintype "passive") (tstamp cd5de800-e407-45a0-b21e-169167df32f0))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp e23e1600-3a01-44c4-b07a-96e15ebe67d7))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Package_TO_SOT_THT:TO-92_Inline_Wide" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A02FF81) (tstamp 58dd59c9-695e-4a1f-9038-e81651a9b5a0)
(at 63.5 109.22 90)
(descr "TO-92 leads in-line, wide, drill 0.75mm (see NXP sot054_po.pdf)")
(tags "to-92 sc-43 sc-43a sot54 PA33 transistor")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/47ea9ae3-60da-4f61-9e7f-aad481ba9199")
(attr through_hole)
(fp_text reference "Q1" (at 2.54 -3.56 90) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp cdb53d7b-c2bb-4ef7-8115-cbe5cfec81eb)
(fp_text value "BS170" (at 2.54 2.79 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 0e37d2ab-6124-4fef-885e-9a0f599f839e)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 2.54 0 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp adee262e-cddd-4885-8847-b912fd513027)
(fp_line (start 0.74 1.85) (end 4.34 1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 49c3e69e-a6fe-451c-afef-075edca5f8f5))
(fp_arc (start 2.54 -2.6) (mid 3.936979 -2.192818) (end 4.8964 -1.098807) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 0996d588-1439-424c-a033-0347b6828065))
(fp_arc (start 0.74 1.85) (mid 0.446097 1.509328) (end 0.215816 1.122795) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 20bcd22f-b770-4040-9e59-de5ea3ad6a9c))
(fp_arc (start 4.864184 1.122795) (mid 4.633903 1.509328) (end 4.34 1.85) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ad2312ca-3fab-42d8-84bf-6f9f16818403))
(fp_arc (start 0.1836 -1.098807) (mid 1.143021 -2.192817) (end 2.54 -2.6) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ee21e596-0cf8-4aa1-9ca2-51020c753817))
(fp_line (start -1.01 -2.73) (end -1.01 2.01) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 16effc11-6bd1-44f1-925d-9dd0fa8dc588))
(fp_line (start 6.09 2.01) (end 6.09 -2.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 5a867f97-7d9d-4003-aab7-ccf60c05ad81))
(fp_line (start 6.09 2.01) (end -1.01 2.01) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 905ca73c-b2e2-485b-a0b9-a4abd670f2f3))
(fp_line (start -1.01 -2.73) (end 6.09 -2.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 9a9843b3-1ce9-4521-bf43-a51eebce0507))
(fp_line (start 0.8 1.75) (end 4.3 1.75) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp a0bd9b6d-b8ee-476b-9b62-237a1228b72d))
(fp_arc (start 2.54 -2.48) (mid 4.831221 -0.949055) (end 4.293625 1.753625) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 43c1d036-4caf-421c-a9fb-7c775fd46392))
(fp_arc (start 0.786375 1.753625) (mid 0.248779 -0.949055) (end 2.54 -2.48) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 523048e3-0b7d-4474-ae34-b671f79ae17e))
(pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 1 "Net-(C1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "D") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 5b059f07-327d-44ca-8010-d22cb6ae8156))
(pad "2" thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 2 "Net-(Q1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "G") (pintype "input") (tstamp 84f271e5-d15b-4a73-a619-08d71cc18994))
(pad "3" thru_hole circle (at 5.08 0 90) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 3 "Net-(C2-Pad1)") (pinfunction "S") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 81b7b8ce-fb9f-4072-b8eb-88792a4f18c4))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Package_TO_SOT_THT.3dshapes/TO-92_Inline_Wide.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 62ec3fe7-32ea-4649-b0a7-0320ea1af7dc)
(at 79.815 97.79)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/92850843-265a-4fa0-8012-65263508320a")
(attr smd)
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(tstamp f0169b5d-077a-441b-87df-440839bfd06d)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 31d5aba3-c487-419f-8c1d-0c832b425f03)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 86607f0c-28ea-4174-9905-b67a971de2b1))
(fp_line (start -0.254724 0.5225) (end 0.254724 0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp f27a2395-9a41-4dea-b615-d7a739bdfb42))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 014ea8e0-6470-42fd-ab1e-ef7a3e9ecc85))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 32b8d40c-3d00-45e3-b13e-45b41810c7de))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 77901e5c-5fbf-46ac-8f8f-08df8e0e6053))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp d224f319-49b6-4037-8c64-2db16e577608))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 44898c87-e4f8-4c37-8c99-66ac2e51d642))
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(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp c0da17d6-0f0e-49c5-8862-d8a1fca21646))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp de331dea-fd11-446c-b973-ea020cbbaea3))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 10 "Net-(C13-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp ec853611-8186-4f01-ba1b-9523799f62b7))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 56 "Net-(C16-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 82b3f100-e4ac-4b20-8fa5-395720f90e47))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "TestPoint:TestPoint_THTPad_D1.5mm_Drill0.7mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A0F774F) (tstamp 6521df07-7c1e-4146-95e9-9a1993cf896d)
(at 74.295 92.075)
(descr "THT pad as test Point, diameter 1.5mm, hole diameter 0.7mm")
(tags "test point THT pad")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/b7278322-9a8f-42cd-bde5-534fe674d54d")
(attr exclude_from_pos_files)
(fp_text reference "TP8" (at 0 -1.648) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp af91baae-7f1e-4acf-b5d6-3c8ff1e12a90)
(fp_text value "TestPoint" (at 0 1.75) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 5e7d4c7b-6b2d-4279-ba88-68cf234301ea)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 -1.65) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 8ad90f7f-8e68-4a32-ade3-b60d1a68a566)
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 0.95) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp 2b874c16-7aaf-4010-bd3d-4b6d6256f0a7))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 1.25 0) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (fill none) (tstamp 23c79fb4-b676-42cb-abfa-36a1e33d3eec))
(pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 13 "Net-(C14-Pad1)") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp cae234b2-da47-472b-af3b-2065d2491e44))
(footprint "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x06_P2.54mm_Vertical" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 59FED5CC) (tstamp 677f2749-d521-4ebf-9121-f20ae95c7929)
(at 140.335 109.855 180)
(descr "Through hole straight pin header, 1x06, 2.54mm pitch, single row")
(tags "Through hole pin header THT 1x06 2.54mm single row")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/f0c15d61-df3b-4019-903f-824ef526c8ec")
(attr through_hole)
(fp_text reference "J6" (at 0 -2.33) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 5fc0cbc4-553c-4d8a-8c71-91764348963f)
(fp_text value "Conn_01x06" (at 0 15.03) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 43037a3a-4825-4572-bf49-20f54657c90b)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 6.35 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 59f95545-ea22-4a0c-9485-4bc1a4965cd8)
(fp_line (start -1.33 14.03) (end 1.33 14.03) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 08db5aee-4b2d-4a78-9c4a-098e60c8ef43))
(fp_line (start -1.33 0) (end -1.33 -1.33) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 21d2ca1d-f2bc-4832-8ad3-a8601c5fc522))
(fp_line (start 1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 14.03) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 2a753afb-aa9b-4bac-a442-b7f08d134e58))
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(fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 1.27) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 85b4ac61-c4e9-4c72-bef8-6accb77b88b2))
(fp_line (start -1.33 -1.33) (end 0 -1.33) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp f3750fb9-ed33-4ed8-a320-eecffd9072ec))
(fp_line (start -1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 14.5) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 623a15c0-28d5-4346-9501-4b6b329e8213))
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(fp_line (start 1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 8ec01beb-253a-47b9-9ce1-7fb93b0d9de1))
(fp_line (start -1.8 14.5) (end 1.8 14.5) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp d455ef9c-5cae-4da7-9285-dfef272418c3))
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(fp_line (start 1.27 13.97) (end -1.27 13.97) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 77dd4ce2-145a-459b-940a-05f36c6ae562))
(fp_line (start -1.27 -0.635) (end -0.635 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 84260d3d-1ccd-461e-a6c8-c8226d0f957e))
(fp_line (start -1.27 13.97) (end -1.27 -0.635) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp f0a6de05-23f9-45fd-ae0c-66efa47ac408))
(pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 53 "+3.3V") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 7439e615-4b9a-4cc7-b86a-17a26b98f541))
(pad "2" thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 63 "Net-(J6-Pad2)") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 1e0a2b04-dc24-4966-a2c5-ae96259451be))
(pad "3" thru_hole oval (at 0 5.08 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 55 "Net-(J6-Pad3)") (pinfunction "Pin_3") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 208a4d8b-033c-4298-81c0-e52f2ae3799e))
(pad "4" thru_hole oval (at 0 7.62 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 64 "Net-(J6-Pad4)") (pinfunction "Pin_4") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 585ab4c1-beb5-4318-8106-ff73f4dc7a84))
(pad "5" thru_hole oval (at 0 10.16 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 65 "Net-(J6-Pad5)") (pinfunction "Pin_5") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 73ad1f7b-0014-437c-abc4-14332bc0f160))
(pad "6" thru_hole oval (at 0 12.7 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "Pin_6") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 0e611232-3db8-4d26-88f9-39e00b7c4424))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm.3dshapes/PinHeader_1x06_P2.54mm_Vertical.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "TestPoint:TestPoint_THTPad_D1.5mm_Drill0.7mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A0F774F) (tstamp 6a077694-f530-4f3e-8e7b-77506ac7ccd7)
(at 181.405 50.325)
(descr "THT pad as test Point, diameter 1.5mm, hole diameter 0.7mm")
(tags "test point THT pad")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/e7fbc2de-0189-45e5-b74f-fb82ed66d6bb")
(attr exclude_from_pos_files)
(fp_text reference "TP6" (at 0 -1.648) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 6097eaff-d3bd-46c0-a13c-a928ad4fe226)
(fp_text value "TestPoint" (at 0 1.75) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 4f03fa0d-2d01-41c2-b3a7-54e88c917680)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 -1.65) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 662258c4-eaef-49b3-bbf6-f0e49701b867)
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 0.95) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp 27f27b2d-6e19-457a-9b7a-f85b2da26b1c))
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(pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 11 "Net-(R7-Pad2)") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 7214354a-0189-4b2e-b73d-7eea29d7e764))
(footprint "TestPoint:TestPoint_THTPad_D1.5mm_Drill0.7mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A0F774F) (tstamp 6c1c4501-bb9f-4fe5-96d5-9916578527a2)
(at 169.405 55.765)
(descr "THT pad as test Point, diameter 1.5mm, hole diameter 0.7mm")
(tags "test point THT pad")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/833696ee-4c8b-44c8-98c5-4175cea98397")
(attr exclude_from_pos_files)
(fp_text reference "TP14" (at 0 -1.648) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 6700ea60-dff3-4f21-b4c3-f6052b7f200f)
(fp_text value "TestPoint" (at 0 1.75) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 08b5e5f5-2aea-43c0-a155-8f29091f2cbb)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 -1.65) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 9f3fe211-bcc6-422f-9fc8-d0cd52369fd0)
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 0.95) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp 92312c1d-21a5-4e0e-9751-1c34d78cd361))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 1.25 0) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (fill none) (tstamp c5ff5de9-5e9b-4432-88cd-dc35888f8d95))
(pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 19 "Net-(J8-Pad1)") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp a379a877-6d4b-44d6-890f-3b4407d8c2a8))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 6e8093b8-7940-433a-a513-b92bc9601080)
(at 285.31 24.25)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/3c71e5a4-0ca4-47e5-82b1-6ccf2164b794")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "R25" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 6e79463b-2393-4c0c-8061-7ffb55039894)
(fp_text value "10k" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 6a195e9c-bb63-467c-b9f2-0fcc16027505)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 4689bde9-9c59-41bf-8b89-833205474a93)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 219a876b-28cc-4518-bb0d-b31a811231c9))
(fp_line (start -0.254724 0.5225) (end 0.254724 0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp fbf84df4-ab6a-470a-9454-80d4475b66a5))
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(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp cb623c70-b424-44a8-998b-d9957c82c1e8))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp ece816f3-45d2-48ba-996d-b7c63a1ad07b))
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(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 26cab796-c2d4-4d75-afc6-a42d4a8f5b91))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 61f00c5f-ef31-46e5-863f-f26565c4d537))
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(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 18 "ADC_MIC") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 315cae37-7456-41e8-a414-e540297626fa))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp aa30afd9-0879-4cdb-88f9-b6c12b6c11b1))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp 6ea6100a-514d-4fc0-944f-1bbe9f660acb)
(at 63.5 100.33 90)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/9f13b748-2b60-4f81-82e4-e15c75e258e5")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "C2" (at 0 -1.43 90) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
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(fp_text value "10n" (at 0 1.43 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 12f6a38e-06d8-4882-86a4-9d6d92cff5ed)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp d1e7e8e6-2f4c-41ff-8099-116bca3c23e5)
(fp_line (start -0.146267 0.51) (end 0.146267 0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 0676c7d6-6785-46c1-8d45-62d6576b475d))
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(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp ba546c72-40e6-43d8-a7d4-b46c7295c501))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp d9fbe022-dc0a-43b6-8f4a-990611e014cd))
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(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp f52d47fd-2ce2-4821-b5fd-f75e4cc5c085))
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(net 3 "Net-(C2-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 62089237-d8ae-4082-a099-f8bc9655054e))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0 90) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 34 "Net-(C2-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 79949e84-2011-4bfa-ac9e-00aeed3f8a0b))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp 6f8d286e-6f80-4fcf-9ed8-7aad37033c00)
(at 99.695 89.9425 90)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/45b975fe-aa6f-49a2-8a53-24c78009161d")
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(net 58 "Net-(C16-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 3482eddd-44e6-4838-a6ab-3cf09a6f4252))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0 90) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 14 "ADC_Q") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 6950874a-1bb8-4021-8bb3-22ba398416a0))
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(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 707097ab-622d-4fdb-b6b2-2f5b394d7b2f)
(at 84.8125 86.36)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/1efd5fbc-7190-4326-af49-e4dfb1a28279")
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(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 2ef5144c-96cc-417d-8574-b56f6f2916aa))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 15 "ADC_I") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 15d14d87-131a-4e9d-98b9-cd4d8b9f67fa))
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(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 732f19f6-d00c-4e2d-9372-6b077da111db)
(at 270.87 41.14)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/57dac42a-f3ac-4966-87b5-6689856dcd62")
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(net 36 "Net-(R20-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp c3fd582d-4d59-4e8b-b54a-6b9f60b40688))
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(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 6514d276-8fee-487d-a122-96d2eb79e417))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "TestPoint:TestPoint_THTPad_D1.5mm_Drill0.7mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A0F774F) (tstamp 73da02ed-a842-4288-9b7b-8ea8a7372ae7)
(at 72.39 118.11)
(descr "THT pad as test Point, diameter 1.5mm, hole diameter 0.7mm")
(tags "test point THT pad")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/b859695c-305e-412f-9997-70574aa5daa4")
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(tedit 5A0F774F) (tstamp 74365e57-42a8-49f2-8637-1e093da87ece)
(at 191.255 45.115)
(descr "THT pad as test Point, diameter 1.5mm, hole diameter 0.7mm")
(tags "test point THT pad")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/027b58d6-ef15-4661-a26f-869219e5c685")
(attr exclude_from_pos_files)
(fp_text reference "TP10" (at 0 -1.648) (layer "F.SilkS")
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(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
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(pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 15 "ADC_I") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 29295fad-29ff-459a-8d99-6a38293d229f))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 74676e39-a661-4c16-b3b4-6e917f15546c)
(at 79.815 93.98)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/29da3f52-2263-4697-8e3b-ddd68d736da1")
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(net 9 "Net-(C9-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 54b379cc-a044-4e85-bd05-935098e227e4))
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(net 41 "Net-(C17-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp b1791cdd-67e0-41bb-b23c-5959490a1e68))
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(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp 78049738-bbe5-4dcf-8b75-ccd0a6b38ad5)
(at 266.52 36.12)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/f07fbfdc-2c54-4944-9771-bdb86d69bcda")
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(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 17 "A_OUT") (pintype "passive") (tstamp d1be6602-4cc2-47e4-815e-28ae590143f2))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 696f537b-edca-4c3c-9e51-738ffd681888))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 78ea853f-f358-48ed-91fa-d75002cd3e59)
(at 276.86 29.27)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/14edbb8b-7f66-4705-a035-ee92c4235ee4")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "R23" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
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(fp_text value "R" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 720ca5d3-6508-47b0-9cf8-edcb31121939)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 7748130e-8811-4f29-b7eb-aae2432d95b3)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 4e3a6a02-f65e-4699-8659-abdf301ad192))
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(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp b70c292f-286d-433f-a25e-6d1d73840fe2))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp e326965e-d64c-44d4-8af7-0e452c930166))
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(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 19 "Net-(J8-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 46913879-0265-4ab0-8d3a-12488ff1bbc4))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 38 "Net-(R22-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp befd5316-e55c-4548-94b9-09a9eb707b45))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp 802ccb87-2625-4761-b7df-4338be6aa370)
(at 68.58 71.12 90)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/7f7b20d4-5662-47c8-b579-df063fb58657")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "C11" (at 0 -1.43 90) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 55d46bfa-ce00-4b34-b45c-7cbd9ee6032a)
(fp_text value "10n" (at 0 1.43 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 3873865d-650f-4bfd-b284-006a8164baeb)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp b34ae0a7-ba07-4409-a232-9055730f05ad)
(fp_line (start -0.146267 0.51) (end 0.146267 0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 836721dc-aa36-4c06-b80c-318f7c0c1c06))
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(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 75fc7515-e86a-4a4e-8be8-f9269b74e74a))
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(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.8625 0 90) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 60 "Net-(C11-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 301dc38f-9334-495a-ac3a-84ec6d6b7094))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0 90) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp ef3591fb-0f27-4140-a030-1602c97b4f77))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp 821c8605-4785-4732-a359-7a1ace8b0ce6)
(at 68.58 98.6525 -90)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/631537e3-30d1-4583-b0db-8b3d1047adc7")
(attr smd)
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(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 5c5675a8-5c4e-4af1-ba86-d951ceb3b5a3)
(fp_text value "470nF" (at 0 1.43 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp db06f2db-2419-4703-b611-d50001e89f09)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 43629765-86b7-4564-8f53-4f6afd9bf4e3)
(fp_line (start -0.146267 0.51) (end 0.146267 0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 373f1f6a-ca0c-471c-8e05-586f7717abcf))
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(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp ee642e12-4ab3-4f97-af3c-c9228b808ef3))
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(net 10 "Net-(C13-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 56a64c9a-3394-4ded-bf99-4f9978d0a404))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0 270) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 1f6023f2-1bb2-4dd0-aca9-904ad140ac9e))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "TestPoint:TestPoint_THTPad_D1.5mm_Drill0.7mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A0F774F) (tstamp 8715d684-f216-4adf-9c96-f3669872d409)
(at 172.955 48.735)
(descr "THT pad as test Point, diameter 1.5mm, hole diameter 0.7mm")
(tags "test point THT pad")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/6972dc38-e9f7-4819-9953-6877597d7e08")
(attr exclude_from_pos_files)
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(fp_text value "TestPoint" (at 0 1.75) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 96a35969-0cee-4dfb-987d-527c90c96b73)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 -1.65) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 5b76cb78-43e0-4f0a-bb77-afa648720855)
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(pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 14 "ADC_Q") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 51141a00-b6f6-4626-aadb-087c6d649d93))
(footprint "Package_SO:SO-8_5.3x6.2mm_P1.27mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5EA5315B) (tstamp 88008a53-0e0c-4d45-82e6-c7c531942e6a)
(at 122.555 118.11 180)
(descr "SO, 8 Pin (https://www.ti.com/lit/ml/msop001a/msop001a.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SO SO")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/6cdd0ef3-b2cf-48ed-ba70-6dc5cabe3f8a")
(attr smd)
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(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp c190c540-2747-48b2-9c03-598ad536e63b)
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(fp_line (start 2.76 3.21) (end 2.76 2.465) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 71bde90f-cec7-4a38-9e1a-ffb758b46ce8))
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(fp_line (start 0 3.21) (end -2.76 3.21) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp cd6cd805-d311-4603-b010-5c509fa0c3b7))
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(net 35 "Net-(C24-Pad2)") (pintype "output") (tstamp 3248fa04-dd46-4568-a7f5-c432153ba3b7))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at -3.5 -0.635 180) (size 1.9 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 36 "Net-(R20-Pad1)") (pinfunction "-") (pintype "input") (tstamp 21e258f6-5200-4a8a-a5a3-503696eff56c))
(pad "3" smd roundrect (at -3.5 0.635 180) (size 1.9 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 16 "Net-(C21-Pad1)") (pinfunction "+") (pintype "input") (tstamp 96ca71fe-6b4e-4a15-ad7b-8426ad259a75))
(pad "4" smd roundrect (at -3.5 1.905 180) (size 1.9 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "V-") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp ce98f720-32f8-4b30-a305-1f705632938d))
(pad "5" smd roundrect (at 3.5 1.905 180) (size 1.9 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 37 "Net-(C23-Pad1)") (pinfunction "+") (pintype "input") (tstamp 5ac375d5-42ea-4e2e-9ee2-82a810c551d0))
(pad "6" smd roundrect (at 3.5 0.635 180) (size 1.9 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 38 "Net-(R22-Pad1)") (pinfunction "-") (pintype "input") (tstamp 8318e3ad-d561-40a1-99ba-5df8f335d995))
(pad "7" smd roundrect (at 3.5 -0.635 180) (size 1.9 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 19 "Net-(J8-Pad1)") (pintype "output") (tstamp 1754da7d-23fd-495c-a48b-7b10003ad01e))
(pad "8" smd roundrect (at 3.5 -1.905 180) (size 1.9 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 "+5V") (pinfunction "V+") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp 2cae82aa-2831-4c54-9547-9ed3acd60780))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SO-8_5.3x6.2mm_P1.27mm.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Package_SO:TSSOP-16_4.4x5mm_P0.65mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5E476F32) (tstamp 894a4f50-6b3b-4d24-beb7-8cafeacb630c)
(at 60.325 94.615)
(descr "TSSOP, 16 Pin (JEDEC MO-153 Var AB https://www.jedec.org/document_search?search_api_views_fulltext=MO-153), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "TSSOP SO")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/a503b3cd-99c6-4fd0-8010-d2670b698c92")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "U3" (at 0 -3.45) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 7f525d49-674a-4be8-a834-a20253268ef1)
(fp_text value "FST3253" (at 0 3.45) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp ce1f2d18-d438-405b-9e3c-e5b823a0207b)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 6b88f4e9-2883-4ff2-a3d3-357bcfcf0d57)
(fp_line (start 0 2.735) (end 2.2 2.735) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 3d900104-5f82-49da-817d-115a61ef4e36))
(fp_line (start 0 -2.735) (end 2.2 -2.735) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 55d455bc-5c29-4738-9db4-88e7e707c707))
(fp_line (start 0 2.735) (end -2.2 2.735) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 7ec53ca0-3c30-4f28-86db-a73aed0e485c))
(fp_line (start 0 -2.735) (end -3.6 -2.735) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp bf8e52ae-cb3e-4973-8e8c-98c7bfecf0e9))
(fp_line (start -3.85 -2.75) (end -3.85 2.75) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 4e2e65ce-3d58-47f5-8ab2-d8b7a0f22576))
(fp_line (start -3.85 2.75) (end 3.85 2.75) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 7bf9ea66-f159-420d-970b-e9775745e570))
(fp_line (start 3.85 2.75) (end 3.85 -2.75) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 92f3359e-b1c1-4979-b4f2-92341c428f0e))
(fp_line (start 3.85 -2.75) (end -3.85 -2.75) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp a42dbf2e-9c09-4353-98cb-14a96f3f8fc2))
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(fp_line (start 2.2 -2.5) (end 2.2 2.5) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 2efef6b7-1cca-4095-94ee-202ed4162d24))
(fp_line (start -2.2 -1.5) (end -1.2 -2.5) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 6a595e45-2244-4b4b-ab07-f94fd17446a4))
(fp_line (start 2.2 2.5) (end -2.2 2.5) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 6c0b29ec-5f10-4d85-a386-3d5513423ef6))
(fp_line (start -2.2 2.5) (end -2.2 -1.5) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp c50f1493-b8aa-4a63-904d-9e3f0b04fd8a))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -2.8625 -2.275) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "OE1") (pintype "input") (tstamp 6a69148c-22e4-41b4-869c-27a71324a357))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at -2.8625 -1.625) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 23 "Net-(U1-Pad4)") (pinfunction "S1") (pintype "input") (tstamp 9cd2dc52-00e5-4482-9c89-8ae3860a6435))
(pad "3" smd roundrect (at -2.8625 -0.975) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 29 "unconnected-(U3-Pad3)") (pinfunction "1B4") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp de70bdcb-1296-462b-a277-fda651e257e6))
(pad "4" smd roundrect (at -2.8625 -0.325) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 30 "unconnected-(U3-Pad4)") (pinfunction "1B3") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp c6621b9a-52cd-41de-99b7-728591f63ead))
(pad "5" smd roundrect (at -2.8625 0.325) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 31 "unconnected-(U3-Pad5)") (pinfunction "1B2") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp b8caa9e8-7315-4fe2-9eff-e5df052c92b6))
(pad "6" smd roundrect (at -2.8625 0.975) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 32 "unconnected-(U3-Pad6)") (pinfunction "1B1") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp ac1f946d-b65b-4847-beab-a39de84699b6))
(pad "7" smd roundrect (at -2.8625 1.625) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 33 "unconnected-(U3-Pad7)") (pinfunction "1A") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp b60f8798-dcfa-4e43-9f65-c30fedaea8c4))
(pad "8" smd roundrect (at -2.8625 2.275) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "GND") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp 5b2b1ea8-a9e1-4624-9b86-5d0d7ffc21f4))
(pad "9" smd roundrect (at 2.8625 2.275) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 34 "Net-(C2-Pad2)") (pinfunction "2A") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 4d1fca27-1a49-43a7-a547-343a76087d23))
(pad "10" smd roundrect (at 2.8625 1.625) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 10 "Net-(C13-Pad1)") (pinfunction "2B1") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 35e5936f-4f66-4998-9067-37b81654d6aa))
(pad "11" smd roundrect (at 2.8625 0.975) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 12 "Net-(C10-Pad1)") (pinfunction "2B2") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp b63b85d4-1da1-401e-a9ed-2c4c9d2c5483))
(pad "12" smd roundrect (at 2.8625 0.325) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 9 "Net-(C9-Pad1)") (pinfunction "2B3") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 679ca417-5b3c-4f72-8941-cf1295af0c1c))
(pad "13" smd roundrect (at 2.8625 -0.325) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 13 "Net-(C14-Pad1)") (pinfunction "2B4") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 8a0939f9-396b-4787-8585-702d7bb8abd0))
(pad "14" smd roundrect (at 2.8625 -0.975) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 21 "Net-(U1-Pad2)") (pinfunction "S0") (pintype "input") (tstamp 71afb966-005b-414d-8c3a-138eebc64c96))
(pad "15" smd roundrect (at 2.8625 -1.625) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "OE2") (pintype "input") (tstamp 6c60be9e-33e8-4ad7-b27a-b9553b644f26))
(pad "16" smd roundrect (at 2.8625 -2.275) (size 1.475 0.4) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 "+5V") (pinfunction "Vcc") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp 71e80b0a-7f42-4464-82de-7e41a350950c))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Package_SO.3dshapes/TSSOP-16_4.4x5mm_P0.65mm.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 59FED5CC) (tstamp 8968e0ab-f1cc-49f0-aa14-fae752530993)
(at 252.66 35.06)
(descr "Through hole straight pin header, 1x02, 2.54mm pitch, single row")
(tags "Through hole pin header THT 1x02 2.54mm single row")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/94ce4825-95fd-4633-b329-0306541a42e6")
(attr through_hole)
(fp_text reference "J8" (at 0 -2.33) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp efd7ae76-9784-470c-9327-f2331865da15)
(fp_text value "Conn_01x02" (at 0 4.87) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp fde719e8-2791-431e-8e70-0a08f6d5d9d0)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 1.27 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 3fc5de42-2119-40d9-bb78-05d36871e5f6)
(fp_line (start 1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 3.87) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 32683bd7-2bd7-415b-b712-5b22192821f1))
(fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 1.27) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 467ac2f6-d231-4767-9416-d0548cefa266))
(fp_line (start -1.33 0) (end -1.33 -1.33) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 827d62e7-9eab-42d5-adb1-3898e8b5d718))
(fp_line (start -1.33 -1.33) (end 0 -1.33) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 8712f5f5-a347-4af6-b6af-7133e1a74a2a))
(fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end -1.33 3.87) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ee00ab05-3c12-402e-946b-fe010df73b84))
(fp_line (start -1.33 3.87) (end 1.33 3.87) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp fbf9e6b2-b8bb-4ee9-a6bc-a9bc23a655be))
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(fp_line (start 1.8 4.35) (end 1.8 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp bbb06d3b-aab1-4c69-bbfc-1090f9ae55b1))
(fp_line (start -1.8 4.35) (end 1.8 4.35) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp c72782d0-2e68-4e2a-98cf-a5cf9e536302))
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(fp_line (start 1.27 -1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 2ca64fdb-2f69-4c74-a93e-55f75f7c0396))
(fp_line (start 1.27 3.81) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 61ae99af-e5be-43c5-aed2-a1ecbb84a4ee))
(fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end -1.27 -0.635) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 885ead3a-3c99-469d-9b13-dc25c69c698e))
(fp_line (start -0.635 -1.27) (end 1.27 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b89ebf1e-6202-43e4-aa0f-b0b372d3b491))
(pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 19 "Net-(J8-Pad1)") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp a400fbc2-1a1d-469e-a79e-baafc93c41c0))
(pad "2" thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 8f6db1fb-0f14-404f-82c6-92e1aa0a6b00))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm.3dshapes/PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 8c3f5df5-e258-4eb1-a074-eddccbec495d)
(at 97.5125 86.36)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/225542d5-6269-4bf9-98f0-1c752917767b")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "R17" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
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(tstamp 96737448-dad8-410c-80f2-2582c6f2b76a)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 1ed79f0a-c34e-4f3f-acfe-9ee9656df48e)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 249a8116-455d-457e-8df1-c6a5b40bdd10))
(fp_line (start -0.254724 0.5225) (end 0.254724 0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 24b25d0a-450f-48c2-b1d8-be99375d784b))
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(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 8f640a8d-88cd-4271-9882-6bf7f947bd79))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp e504d5a8-53ac-456c-bf4f-8a532288d4ce))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp f997d275-5d4d-4cf3-83fd-2e892c7bfa7b))
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(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp a3892367-9d3e-4c7e-b304-67d26b5e14db))
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(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 6c179a83-1f96-4cf5-95aa-02d642e48024))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 14 "ADC_Q") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 732dcd44-9dad-4650-a531-7e489bf55572))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp 8c89493e-5485-495c-b0a9-ba235c827132)
(at 280.96 21.74)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/b3c56fe3-4408-419b-ace2-007df43715cb")
(attr smd)
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(fp_text value "100nF" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp cff0fd0d-3113-4e03-b215-1d339111dbbd)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 640964ad-1b95-4c28-8721-3a15e089b809)
(fp_line (start -0.146267 0.51) (end 0.146267 0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 238e2f42-3e05-4be9-ad05-8a6f15ea873e))
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(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 1565a4cd-3f9d-4d6e-87ca-ce09b2aaf889))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 5ce056ec-55e7-4834-a2bd-7296a5205089))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 7703788b-dfee-405c-890c-033f81cd985a))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp feb2de40-c5f7-4f20-9e6b-842958b83950))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 0f815b82-bce8-430e-ba16-d3e333459677))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 4f295dbf-6507-4517-bf95-b4f7599c6964))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5da31e88-973f-43bb-b3cc-590508478279))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 9db7eb4d-b2ab-4606-b0ef-61c01b316690))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 "+5V") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 843503a4-a637-46db-bea6-d8bee72803a2))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 2b2d5e1c-8ed8-465b-ac7a-18d2d0a75317))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 8cda0868-01b2-45c1-b72d-ff1e6456d349)
(at 262.17 40.46)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/d228e31f-fcc2-4af2-8e99-be28df2928c9")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "R21" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 91188ec0-6b72-490c-85e7-14f0518138a1)
(fp_text value "R" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 8785bf8c-d288-41f2-8c00-2109bf530b17)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 0e9b1124-f899-4cd4-8244-2fcb40721c14)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 0.5225) (end 0.254724 0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp e71155ac-a028-4e25-a25d-316cb5ee471e))
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ed4f21f3-0709-4b20-ab0b-cafd9d345391))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 026330ae-be51-42c2-adcc-7b07257fd787))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 2ce1d18c-6baa-40ae-a98a-b08cd2b99b14))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 470d755c-5bff-4301-907b-c1521f54b6cb))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp ae5b0120-efce-4d76-b7b8-7a4f28c529da))
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(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp ddccafd8-303c-41bb-8114-57e76b3d3790))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp e0a19e4b-c2c9-4f4c-b239-77ec5ff99bc8))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 35 "Net-(C24-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 28b3d2e5-987f-4a0b-9beb-46e7d193858c))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 36 "Net-(R20-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 84df48fc-fedd-4864-88df-ec6522a2138a))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_Elec_5x5.8" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5BC8D926) (tstamp 90d29924-27cf-4bdc-aa2c-cfb0163709be)
(at 133.985 117.475)
(descr "SMD capacitor, aluminum electrolytic nonpolar, 5.0x5.8mm")
(tags "capacitor electrolyic nonpolar")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/f8daa350-01af-4818-9687-b1a76402565c")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "C21" (at 0 -3.7) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 2619c9c5-22ca-4d81-af7d-769fff5a0b77)
(fp_text value "10uF" (at 0 3.7) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp c91e1110-28de-4883-a2c9-5a751f924992)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 1884cd18-e500-4f4a-87ce-4b1718ef8a04)
(fp_line (start 2.76 -2.76) (end 2.76 -1.06) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 1d5affe2-c0dc-4acb-88c4-a757ccd6b63d))
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(fp_line (start -2.76 -1.695563) (end -2.76 -1.06) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 45a423ff-4ec8-4647-84d0-77a375c98bb0))
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(fp_line (start 2.76 2.76) (end 2.76 1.06) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 77e74dcf-91c8-4e8a-82b6-b66528a755e0))
(fp_line (start -2.76 1.695563) (end -2.76 1.06) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp a04db535-82fe-449f-a799-a41d494edf3e))
(fp_line (start -1.695563 -2.76) (end 2.76 -2.76) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp d8335d4f-7b80-4484-ab28-17ccba17c39c))
(fp_line (start -2.76 1.695563) (end -1.695563 2.76) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp f859d87b-6312-41b9-9c4a-d309657b5c50))
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(fp_line (start -1.75 2.9) (end 2.9 2.9) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 2590b7c4-7c4b-47a0-aa4c-a2f1b1003047))
(fp_line (start 2.9 1.05) (end 2.9 2.9) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 3684900d-54fe-4f66-9800-13d4cc9079f2))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -1.05) (end -3.7 1.05) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 40297eef-ca8c-420d-90a1-40cdd9b44694))
(fp_line (start -3.7 1.05) (end -2.9 1.05) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 4805c586-2154-4b06-99c4-158a9add01e1))
(fp_line (start -2.9 1.05) (end -2.9 1.75) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 7e14d6d4-0dd0-430b-b163-f643c1a68546))
(fp_line (start -2.9 -1.75) (end -2.9 -1.05) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 88a717cb-0608-4eee-ac68-b457d5188f18))
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(fp_line (start -2.9 -1.75) (end -1.75 -2.9) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 90e73330-c94b-420d-8751-c9ef66c47de4))
(fp_line (start 2.9 -1.05) (end 3.7 -1.05) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp b86a467e-7f3c-4b61-ba8c-d5ccb1f44ca1))
(fp_line (start -2.9 1.75) (end -1.75 2.9) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp d8b87c72-6d9e-491b-a281-4538cdd35a7d))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -1.05) (end 3.7 1.05) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp eca457a3-b1c9-447d-9a4b-c0590deee59b))
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(fp_line (start -2.65 -1.65) (end -2.65 1.65) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 155ffa8a-23e6-4ce0-b326-009d3cf21095))
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(fp_line (start -1.65 2.65) (end 2.65 2.65) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 68355bac-1d64-48f9-a5d4-767ea5bf37f6))
(fp_line (start 2.65 -2.65) (end 2.65 2.65) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 77ae6004-c341-4650-8358-b6ff44235afd))
(fp_line (start -2.65 1.65) (end -1.65 2.65) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 7c1583bd-fb72-47f9-9f50-2d41fbd57e45))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 2.5 0) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (fill none) (tstamp e0dbeec9-6fde-4566-82b6-dd08b849862f))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -2.0625 0) (size 2.775 1.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.15625)
(net 16 "Net-(C21-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp f43655df-ddd0-4600-a6ad-a290db946786))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 2.0625 0) (size 2.775 1.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.15625)
(net 61 "Net-(C21-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp d2c25c10-9395-4c43-a52f-70f81949fb28))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_Elec_5x5.8.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 93220888-551a-447d-be7b-3391b00f34bf)
(at 89.1775 86.36)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/bc2784ba-2ca3-46d6-bd88-6cd6586f4b68")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "R14" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp d896908a-eeee-4737-854d-f0e7323481df)
(fp_text value "10k" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp dca5c326-4af5-49ad-93d0-aaa4f31a20c7)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 7bc3586d-5f5c-41b6-9a49-8a26c5a60921)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 0.5225) (end 0.254724 0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp b03d683d-c906-46b0-b07d-b5bdd122a8ee))
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp f2eec877-06d6-4332-9365-7f474cd3f373))
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(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 753b6da3-2dd6-4ae8-9358-6f0d8aec4a7f))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp b9903362-d007-4dcd-9a45-115354a84687))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp e605b749-ee87-4cca-baea-02162befbd91))
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(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 876f992b-1736-40f9-bf90-f7b50e96770a))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 15 "ADC_I") (pintype "passive") (tstamp ae12ee9e-795e-44de-a499-10b4916d4924))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 53 "+3.3V") (pintype "passive") (tstamp e25a3244-50c4-499e-aa04-5b5d5386ecaa))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-223-3_TabPin2" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A02FF57) (tstamp 9560cf52-9007-480c-bfed-8ded709b90f0)
(at 181.005 40.875)
(descr "module CMS SOT223 4 pins")
(tags "CMS SOT")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/d1b8d41b-5450-4bfb-9842-7caa66998b0e")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "U2" (at 0 -4.5) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 4f6a3527-7de3-427b-9003-c6f1b3c9ce5b)
(fp_text value "LM1117-5.0" (at 0 4.5) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp bd8dcd78-fec4-47fc-ba7b-d8bd93c09a61)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.8 0.8) (thickness 0.12)))
(tstamp 964fddd5-fa89-45aa-947f-2fef62e31589)
(fp_line (start 1.91 3.41) (end 1.91 2.15) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 02a75c3e-3c34-43fd-9b51-9870b58bea7c))
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(fp_line (start -4.1 -3.41) (end 1.91 -3.41) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp c3f6a81b-261c-4de6-8cfc-31edb4cc627c))
(fp_line (start -1.85 3.41) (end 1.91 3.41) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp d2a8b3f9-2710-47cb-9aba-30883a7c808e))
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(fp_line (start 4.4 -3.6) (end -4.4 -3.6) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 7af28f9c-2834-490e-bdab-d2a9292f1af3))
(fp_line (start 4.4 3.6) (end 4.4 -3.6) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp d2bbc0f3-2173-49f1-aa43-89ca25abab4e))
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(fp_line (start -1.85 -2.35) (end -0.85 -3.35) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 8685eb08-570b-4f02-acdf-43c0e901325f))
(fp_line (start -0.85 -3.35) (end 1.85 -3.35) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 976f26a7-7a10-41d6-898f-3b28a7a8b4a0))
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(pad "1" smd rect (at -3.15 -2.3) (size 2 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "GND") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp 86705ddb-bf53-4196-a80c-d4c86d04ee2e))
(pad "2" smd rect (at 3.15 0) (size 2 3.8) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 27 "+5V") (pinfunction "VO") (pintype "power_out") (tstamp 1d2c2148-744d-4dfb-954b-b49fc3212d8d))
(pad "2" smd rect (at -3.15 0) (size 2 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 27 "+5V") (pinfunction "VO") (pintype "power_out") (tstamp e909e30d-78be-4d1a-b40c-0ca9035b791d))
(pad "3" smd rect (at -3.15 2.3) (size 2 1.5) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask")
(net 28 "+12V") (pinfunction "VI") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp 971e3361-7a3c-4f83-b91c-523fda7ba63e))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Package_TO_SOT_SMD.3dshapes/SOT-223.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 97bc7790-e9f2-4856-9193-89781eb5e34c)
(at 276.61 24.25)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/a83b7602-8e87-401f-b4d8-36ac7fef5180")
(attr smd)
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(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
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(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 48011078-5698-4cef-829b-a8247d8f26a6))
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(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp b2f3b435-1291-46ee-b7af-b83f6bbf6c10))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp ec1f2712-1ffe-4820-a6e3-6e1b807ebb35))
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(net 59 "Net-(C4-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 3de2e410-c1b7-4d64-9efd-75ce2694d554))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 34 "Net-(C2-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 7d75486d-9e73-45d3-a091-a867c1d30ed5))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "TestPoint:TestPoint_THTPad_D1.5mm_Drill0.7mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A0F774F) (tstamp 9be498ff-6246-440e-b3af-426636ff4847)
(at 192.055 52.215)
(descr "THT pad as test Point, diameter 1.5mm, hole diameter 0.7mm")
(tags "test point THT pad")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/ab7815a5-9823-4972-8e94-c9593ee3ecf2")
(attr exclude_from_pos_files)
(fp_text reference "TP3" (at 0 -1.648) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 83f2a8f5-610b-46ea-b9ea-328f5265d66b)
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(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp adf462ba-db02-4e19-b00c-1f246072c795)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 -1.65) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 5777d36a-e50a-4550-ba86-0491e7d0abdb)
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 0.95) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp 4ad145cd-e8d4-47da-98a3-a116c8bc372a))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 1.25 0) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (fill none) (tstamp bb434b38-9a98-4dc3-b9e2-5c114184b690))
(pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 5 "Net-(Q2-Pad2)") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 027d2174-6e63-466c-ba7c-963eb1a86a34))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp 9e17fd82-736a-441f-9e43-85e0a19bb8ce)
(at 276.86 31.78)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/3709931b-d43a-40ae-ac68-40dbdd450997")
(attr smd)
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(fp_text value "R" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 34d73b19-bfdc-4cc9-bb3b-c0b32a3d0288)
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(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp a8139a14-1d8b-4c42-bd82-5079b674d8d1))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp dd0a6376-f871-4eda-8eb9-e87d8c05319b))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp fee80253-7145-4d8a-9b8b-665e19108a7b))
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(net 38 "Net-(R22-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp d1070d4e-2831-4943-9bcd-163b57a0ac03))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 2cffd7eb-18dc-4518-b209-d1c7cc6163b6))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp 9fd6f0a4-803a-4fbb-9ffb-d405a1b71e68)
(at 285.31 21.74)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/4352184d-3c35-4a4f-8bc7-9aa8a5d14a9b")
(attr smd)
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(fp_text value "100nF" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp e0a0a3d2-bfdf-4b74-a3e1-89af063b287b)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 8f087cc8-89c0-4c78-891d-b6b83a87ebe2)
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(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp e1d89da9-9e81-4002-953f-1c99b50166db))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp e3927b59-3d5d-4809-aa74-7e1c9663aa8f))
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(net 59 "Net-(C4-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 0a050b19-1f90-4579-8a8a-ac7474d628bc))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp a2439564-622e-47cb-a90e-6bf9b2d4bbf1))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp a096ded7-9981-4ced-ac10-19b0b9515c1b)
(at 268.16 31.1)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/c1df0342-7fb9-4dd8-a5a2-5fd700d58f43")
(attr smd)
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(tstamp edfac2b7-b04e-4a86-bd39-e8feb3aee2f2)
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(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 88db622e-5f73-4b22-b31f-6821511f765e)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp bc0cc1ce-145c-4618-9850-4403fa781220))
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(net 60 "Net-(C11-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 2f4ffd88-b8f4-424b-94a0-efccded0302e))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 11 "Net-(R7-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 826d1720-5951-482a-bf31-f926831a7b91))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp a8074302-b68a-49c0-980e-54c33e35fd18)
(at 272.51 31.1)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/cab1b378-7c23-47dc-9e53-f05413dcb39b")
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(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 64fb7300-8e79-4e04-a834-cd45b8c48ecd))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp a61d9670-3cb7-469c-ae5a-59abf8f3a17c))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp d5b8eabd-d92b-48d8-9afc-2920dc94b5e9))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 53 "+3.3V") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 3b6ec5e9-d617-43c4-bce4-a1740ca94416))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 18 "ADC_MIC") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 27a46da4-20ec-4660-a3ae-f8ed3935f002))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 59FED5CC) (tstamp aae18fdb-c2a0-49d6-b534-5231c0861070)
(at 248.01 35.06)
(descr "Through hole straight pin header, 1x02, 2.54mm pitch, single row")
(tags "Through hole pin header THT 1x02 2.54mm single row")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/6ff947c0-ac3f-43c6-accb-a30a25c98fda")
(attr through_hole)
(fp_text reference "J1" (at 0 -2.33) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp de405a2d-5611-4ab0-b9c9-6f7153ae3a47)
(fp_text value "Conn_01x02" (at 0 4.87) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp b9935f94-12c6-45f6-89e3-8acf7a1f66d8)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 1.27 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 9883ee71-df69-43bd-ab6c-2fce61c76a6d)
(fp_line (start -1.33 3.87) (end 1.33 3.87) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 331a51cb-c8f9-4e39-b698-9407e604855b))
(fp_line (start -1.33 -1.33) (end 0 -1.33) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 4e3bf19a-f3be-47de-960f-d4abd1b2e20e))
(fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 1.27) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp b13f70d5-5c24-4420-ae44-12aa609297ca))
(fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end -1.33 3.87) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ccf58dff-7050-4808-b4e6-6b20e85d55d0))
(fp_line (start 1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 3.87) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp d1dbed8f-3fb6-4850-8781-c51157e283d2))
(fp_line (start -1.33 0) (end -1.33 -1.33) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ef7ade8d-655c-4772-a890-8f941fcd3415))
(fp_line (start -1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 4.35) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 2bfbe4a5-6e7e-4f8e-a314-2bedd9087c79))
(fp_line (start 1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 2eb55fef-b08d-42fb-93aa-3fefcc8a0c17))
(fp_line (start 1.8 4.35) (end 1.8 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 925e833a-ebf6-4c0e-8c8f-a0a85819f793))
(fp_line (start -1.8 4.35) (end 1.8 4.35) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp b1a5b1ab-31f1-4839-8a26-e0a2b130216d))
(fp_line (start -1.27 -0.635) (end -0.635 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 09625107-fe54-4609-853b-75d63b00847a))
(fp_line (start 1.27 3.81) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 0bdc5ef5-b0e7-40aa-978d-bf38dbf913f1))
(fp_line (start -0.635 -1.27) (end 1.27 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 3f67813f-d4de-4276-bb02-7829f0ed2cfa))
(fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end -1.27 -0.635) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp aed472dd-7d76-4b02-9367-808e87dcd0d7))
(fp_line (start 1.27 -1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp ce32f92f-80bd-4bfc-a514-b48ccf923ac1))
(pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp d6d6715b-8689-4ae3-a589-fea312faca3e))
(pad "2" thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 28 "+12V") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp cdd2aa48-101c-4a6f-be3d-5778ac7dd82a))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm.3dshapes/PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp ae939f47-48ec-4d11-b5ee-d683dd1eb74a)
(at 270.87 38.63)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/4138b77b-788b-46a9-a533-fae3b5df1c3c")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "R19" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 1f629ca7-8a42-4f65-9878-7f73971563c0)
(fp_text value "10k" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 4931c613-6093-42c7-9e46-21cee8b503d8)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp ae1a5948-8b8d-4f44-a4a0-0cac3fff0f2f)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 2d371cab-b296-4bad-959f-64fe9adb87b3))
(fp_line (start -0.254724 0.5225) (end 0.254724 0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 69d3e37a-bf05-456f-8693-b96434f585d4))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 305314c8-f8e6-4116-8dfa-5144f3ffeaa6))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 4ef6d7c3-69a5-4d05-a9a3-b581981b9df0))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 82829a71-13be-4d25-8b82-ee1288aabcc1))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp d793515e-342a-4aa0-bc0d-b275d6d0b84b))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 053c8ccc-4430-4c73-a4fc-a34966219d78))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 05ca0289-3199-43b9-a777-9115cf637f88))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5c6c40ce-0d66-4e69-bf28-909dcba00a4c))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 71cfd421-36da-4ca8-8d1c-a9d4ab86571b))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 16 "Net-(C21-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp ff9a2f5c-1e7b-428a-b48a-7a1f779c4d06))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 9d47b6cc-4aad-446e-a4d1-25b102540d49))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x04_P2.54mm_Vertical" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 59FED5CC) (tstamp b1a4a496-0d59-4ee9-ba10-bf379fa50676)
(at 243.36 22.81)
(descr "Through hole straight pin header, 1x04, 2.54mm pitch, single row")
(tags "Through hole pin header THT 1x04 2.54mm single row")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/15f0b9d9-df93-44c9-a2f4-9296065f4b26")
(attr through_hole)
(fp_text reference "J3" (at 0 -2.33) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp c6e95c87-25af-4724-b974-8626e8c999f6)
(fp_text value "Conn_01x04" (at 0 9.95) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 26a16648-e7e8-443d-902e-44a20c8d139c)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 3.81 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 06adb7e5-6884-4684-8230-ad742a0053fe)
(fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 1.27) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 19ce9658-8fe2-4e7d-bf88-978ce3efae9a))
(fp_line (start -1.33 0) (end -1.33 -1.33) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 5b6be021-d63f-4a93-9797-6f4b1a0b1d6e))
(fp_line (start -1.33 -1.33) (end 0 -1.33) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 6761e91f-f736-482d-969f-8c4b9f01d3ba))
(fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end -1.33 8.95) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ca553fd1-7ec0-454c-97e7-434f6725ab30))
(fp_line (start -1.33 8.95) (end 1.33 8.95) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ec7f33c2-9da5-4a1a-98b2-1b1d271d5f1f))
(fp_line (start 1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 8.95) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp eec6191d-385e-49b7-859d-90fb67dcd2e9))
(fp_line (start -1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 9.4) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 316ab5ed-c17f-484b-a154-57ffb460f876))
(fp_line (start 1.8 9.4) (end 1.8 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 3d7dfd12-2092-46c3-9e46-523f72f225f2))
(fp_line (start -1.8 9.4) (end 1.8 9.4) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 9d48a373-beba-42c9-8d44-8b248cb74bf0))
(fp_line (start 1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp d5d9b379-d649-4ead-a875-5b11a39bcfc0))
(fp_line (start 1.27 8.89) (end -1.27 8.89) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 34387fb6-329a-44e2-95e1-dc1fab545a51))
(fp_line (start -0.635 -1.27) (end 1.27 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 60491b48-0985-402d-8561-3c19f207b3e0))
(fp_line (start -1.27 8.89) (end -1.27 -0.635) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 669978b6-01c8-481e-a54d-16ccf67938a9))
(fp_line (start 1.27 -1.27) (end 1.27 8.89) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp cb29f7f2-4213-4210-a262-c0fef7fa8f40))
(fp_line (start -1.27 -0.635) (end -0.635 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp f0412629-fae4-4c07-9d99-cbdecf4d62a4))
(pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 4b4de77d-f9df-4454-801d-aedcecb0fb17))
(pad "2" thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 49 "SCL_DISP") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 298df274-b72c-4700-8f09-bdf0a2aba235))
(pad "3" thru_hole oval (at 0 5.08) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 48 "SDA_DISP") (pinfunction "Pin_3") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 62b72a33-1190-436a-afd0-834ed52b6ec1))
(pad "4" thru_hole oval (at 0 7.62) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 53 "+3.3V") (pinfunction "Pin_4") (pintype "passive") (tstamp db8281b6-ef43-4aa9-9a8e-6ab8fa3efcb1))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm.3dshapes/PinHeader_1x04_P2.54mm_Vertical.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp b55cca33-99d9-421e-9736-5ec07d9bfaf4)
(at 99.695 93.6225 90)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/8c6919d4-8ebe-4194-ba85-cf0142e9216c")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "R13" (at 0 -1.43 90) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp ebc7ddc5-dd4b-4ab7-8e68-be3b7b56b53b)
(fp_text value "82k" (at 0 1.43 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 6de0685d-7d8a-4718-a849-bc18f8449e85)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp cfb7b2d8-88c8-424e-8515-bac0a29a8b9c)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 0.5225) (end 0.254724 0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 2cd3e5ef-ca20-438f-839d-81efdbcab90a))
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 2e55015c-7854-423a-88ee-fce6cba4a8e8))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 08e1b7a8-b5cc-4c56-b665-0a5864a73bc1))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 60017dbf-25d4-4981-a3f9-7271e6ee577e))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 91127f4d-e7f8-4126-ab05-5cf61a0e6cc0))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp bc3d2438-f561-4742-a0d9-4744ff7cd9a2))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 55cee63d-17e1-4ad2-a6d7-b4b1244a6dbc))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 630d7bf4-b807-47c0-823b-0fc65f5415f6))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 723db50c-062d-42ae-b9c5-783849f8f3b1))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 95d833e3-2de2-4d77-80c9-7c990bca101c))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0 90) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 56 "Net-(C16-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp ab74d42f-a0c7-4157-b279-8da5a51b4742))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0 90) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 58 "Net-(C16-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp f9e17920-9875-499c-b665-fa76e5e0fc0f))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_Elec_5x5.8" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5BC8D926) (tstamp bf60e285-c6d0-4e2f-92dc-bc9d87d163a4)
(at 111.76 116.205 180)
(descr "SMD capacitor, aluminum electrolytic nonpolar, 5.0x5.8mm")
(tags "capacitor electrolyic nonpolar")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/35c37a5f-63a8-4b9d-bf93-c93bdfe6cd66")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "C23" (at 0 -3.7) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp e15553a3-5e4b-4ffb-abb1-57c925efbe1f)
(fp_text value "10uF" (at 0 3.7) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 2144bd94-11b1-40d1-95f2-904f19fb09fb)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 08e0c03a-27b3-4047-a711-0bc6dc2a6d93)
(fp_line (start -2.76 1.695563) (end -2.76 1.06) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 0405cf34-b641-4816-87a5-e5dc3a353461))
(fp_line (start -1.695563 -2.76) (end 2.76 -2.76) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 54f4b796-f06b-469b-a19b-04c7219240bd))
(fp_line (start -2.76 1.695563) (end -1.695563 2.76) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 67009c46-c8f4-4403-8aaa-df438d831080))
(fp_line (start 2.76 2.76) (end 2.76 1.06) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 7f70bef2-91ac-4b43-a418-46c6722c7959))
(fp_line (start 2.76 -2.76) (end 2.76 -1.06) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 9db7892c-0fe5-468f-90fb-36c72bc9d8e5))
(fp_line (start -1.695563 2.76) (end 2.76 2.76) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ab25194f-2e54-4009-a3ff-c1c6ac68bd05))
(fp_line (start -2.76 -1.695563) (end -2.76 -1.06) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ab25ada2-3d0c-421f-a622-46a6c141af18))
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(fp_line (start -2.9 -1.75) (end -2.9 -1.05) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 51fb96e8-804e-413e-ba72-d79406c12de7))
(fp_line (start -3.7 1.05) (end -2.9 1.05) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 5ab53550-571c-471c-8ab6-4afbad1cd888))
(fp_line (start 3.7 1.05) (end 2.9 1.05) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 850e0366-7b7e-4c88-b36b-d6a32bf9d8fb))
(fp_line (start 2.9 1.05) (end 2.9 2.9) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp a76aed77-3ff7-4f7d-966e-19f413ed7497))
(fp_line (start -2.9 -1.05) (end -3.7 -1.05) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp bd8df726-3a86-4748-8c1a-a64fdb4b360e))
(fp_line (start -2.9 1.05) (end -2.9 1.75) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp bdad84fb-3918-4b90-bedd-5691b60e8ace))
(fp_line (start 2.9 -2.9) (end 2.9 -1.05) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp c7d9e0fa-d2b2-4534-9f48-bd7d4ecae974))
(fp_line (start -2.9 -1.75) (end -1.75 -2.9) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp cdf0f046-db3f-4213-b17c-594f934b8ca9))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -1.05) (end -3.7 1.05) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp d76f2016-70fe-4afc-8db1-909056028a68))
(fp_line (start -1.75 2.9) (end 2.9 2.9) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp d914c5c7-e7cf-46d2-9096-99b173293dec))
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(fp_line (start 2.65 -2.65) (end 2.65 2.65) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 87fd59e0-3ff3-429d-965a-0443ac4e9c5e))
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(fp_line (start -1.65 -2.65) (end 2.65 -2.65) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp e44c43d2-1fb5-43cb-84da-ae3bafa71dfd))
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(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 2.5 0) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (fill none) (tstamp 68cd1b32-9bb0-47a2-9625-3674eeac41c7))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -2.0625 0 180) (size 2.775 1.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.15625)
(net 37 "Net-(C23-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 929875cb-e7e7-4b3e-8d38-7a0d262580f1))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 2.0625 0 180) (size 2.775 1.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.15625)
(net 17 "A_OUT") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 32dc14f9-f43f-4eaa-95c3-a71e840a4344))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_Elec_5x5.8.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp bf6d45f8-8e48-4fb2-a64f-f5d42f63e557)
(at 257.82 40.46)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/b85eec5f-eca0-403b-a490-6d6cb87aecd9")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "R4" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 89c4e8da-2e89-4b8c-bc73-3ecc108d3fc8)
(fp_text value "10k" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp d018a57c-6f2f-4ad4-89fa-273597650a7f)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp e1de5f9d-109d-4401-a72d-02762c984322)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 4d7f8832-d67c-490c-b78b-e9f11f3a04ae))
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(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 160a829d-b4c8-4cec-8214-a6ca1abb95a0))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 99386515-5d29-4423-a365-aed8114fe75e))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp df0ec0b3-26e2-43ba-bb55-965228dbd753))
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(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 "+5V") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 7378ff3a-6ce2-402a-8f84-47987860bc82))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 59 "Net-(C4-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp fd9945fb-aee0-4678-b9c6-e890b1ab3458))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp c9b95ecf-c68d-4cc1-babd-fd0c83626337)
(at 85.09 93.1175 90)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/6534bd7c-5ff9-4195-80a9-53649104f2b1")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "C17" (at 0 -1.43 90) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 8a9ae691-e1cd-486e-b9f4-1188b5f2eaef)
(fp_text value "1nF" (at 0 1.43 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 5c5e36f0-98a0-41be-af46-3d631f621ee8)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp f745413a-1909-44c0-8916-40da24839f25)
(fp_line (start -0.146267 0.51) (end 0.146267 0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 2ef449e2-12b8-4c04-b389-dbcd72093251))
(fp_line (start -0.146267 -0.51) (end 0.146267 -0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ea8ecaf5-b5c7-446c-89dd-70d72b8c2323))
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(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 8d7d8ca2-6589-42a9-a571-ab708c136ee4))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 8edcb682-314a-4449-87aa-358c6cb8ca85))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 101e9005-3274-45c0-aac6-4c5901129a29))
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(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp d8506380-e529-4959-9bd8-af21150c7bac))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.8625 0 90) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 41 "Net-(C17-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp c63b74dd-f6f6-40d1-bfa5-f00d7ac42936))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0 90) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 39 "Net-(C17-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 39c1a846-c1d3-46e9-b407-cda14ecb56a0))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp ca163ac5-22ce-4fbd-a447-321daecf7f57)
(at 257.16 37.95)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/9e352b0c-8534-4df0-9584-baccc15d7647")
(attr smd)
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(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 29f253b7-bfaa-4963-95a2-b974a229dafe)
(fp_text value "100nF" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp d1e34dcb-c052-4d85-9706-27c8d25aa71e)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 75e1a1bb-0e5d-4a2a-af06-60dc8cf3b4b3)
(fp_line (start -0.146267 -0.51) (end 0.146267 -0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 84764e0a-ed08-46eb-a137-27cf7aad0565))
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(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp db050336-a07c-40b2-9695-4d5b7bdfec3d))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp fc61812f-c4d1-4ec4-a50b-0fd5bdafb4b3))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b00c13ab-7032-4892-a541-b9dd38988013))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp ced80195-3a1e-4fec-9846-7386c15a6491))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp e3edda4c-b1f0-4077-8b1d-2cd694aa109f))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp e40dcf53-1f60-4cce-9798-24555ad81d7c))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 "+5V") (pintype "passive") (tstamp fb096ec5-f699-4fab-89c3-3650d74f4192))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 7c6e73bc-2c72-442f-8994-c1c150b548e6))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "misc:YAAJ_BluePill_2" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F81AE11) (tstamp ca3e6fa0-782b-4215-8bd1-03fbae335130)
(at 132.08 107.315 180)
(descr "Through hole headers for BluePill module. No SWD breakout. Fancy silkscreen.")
(tags "module BlluePill Blue Pill header SWD breakout")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/7adaa88d-df55-4493-b328-098067816dd2")
(attr through_hole)
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(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
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(fp_text value "YAAJ_BluePill" (at 20.32 24.765 90) (layer "F.Fab") hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 00877895-49a6-4425-bd58-61d8b2b0408d)
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(effects (font (size 0.5 0.5) (thickness 0.1)))
(tstamp e1643047-e41b-4ec9-9e08-e38cbf1479f7)
(fp_text user "REF**" (at 7.62 24.13 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 3c66d7c2-76af-40ce-bc7a-70e877f333c8)
(fp_line (start 1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 49.59) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 03c3da2f-f65f-4780-812c-5983ca602ca5))
(fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 1.27) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 1426d9a7-934b-4f20-9312-45b265655e3b))
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(fp_line (start 18.995 -2.445) (end 18.995 50.705) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 90e96106-f273-48ac-8701-a161e6705533))
(fp_line (start 16.51 49.53) (end 13.97 49.53) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 9498ec38-005a-4bc5-8a6e-9e0e96a75bbe))
(fp_line (start -1.33 49.59) (end -1.33 1.27) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp b2913903-3dd7-4c23-9981-caab898a96fe))
(fp_line (start 13.97 49.53) (end 13.97 -1.27) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp b2ce6c30-87ea-4de9-b724-185af3145b4f))
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(fp_line (start -3.755 -2.445) (end 18.995 -2.445) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ea69a46c-f9db-4474-b1aa-990057c16f7b))
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(fp_line (start 16.51 -1.27) (end 16.51 49.53) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp f464eba5-c393-4b98-91a0-771e47d8dff6))
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(fp_line (start -3.93 -2.62) (end 19.17 -2.62) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 049ba09e-900d-4b06-bc43-08ca032ad5eb))
(fp_line (start 13.44 -1.8) (end 13.44 45.72) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 2b0c6f2f-134d-44c0-a0a9-08568ec8c51f))
(fp_line (start -3.93 50.88) (end -3.93 -2.62) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 36c8134e-19b8-4bec-b799-554b3e3aff9f))
(fp_line (start 13.44 -1.8) (end 17.04 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 49010942-4c47-4a78-837b-8199ebb9b2b8))
(fp_line (start 17.04 -1.8) (end 17.04 50.06) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 5d39283e-3f66-49d9-8ab7-2fc8508ecf6c))
(fp_line (start 1.8 45.72) (end 1.8 50.06) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 5f3b2e73-8a64-42a1-a508-b7994b7ca2e9))
(fp_line (start 1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 661c1c9d-f3aa-475c-96b6-4af84256ec46))
(fp_line (start 19.17 -2.62) (end 19.17 50.88) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 6efd1061-063e-49f4-825e-3eb4fd0a0828))
(fp_line (start -1.8 -1.8) (end -1.8 50.06) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 79643167-c2fa-4785-8203-d86754569cee))
(fp_line (start -1.8 50.06) (end 1.8 50.06) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 8ac70570-98ce-4dc5-9907-812f18964cca))
(fp_line (start 1.8 -1.8) (end 1.8 45.72) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 94e15bcc-abe3-44bd-9702-983304d05067))
(fp_line (start 19.17 50.88) (end -3.93 50.88) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp ac614fdc-8377-4414-b7f1-79ef33ad4bee))
(fp_line (start 13.44 45.72) (end 13.44 50.06) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp fbfa9879-c417-40fe-ba9f-52a676c073c0))
(fp_line (start 18.92 -2.37) (end 18.92 50.63) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.12) (tstamp 087c5375-4143-4d8c-8725-6f75c356fa27))
(fp_line (start 1.27 49.53) (end -1.27 49.53) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 164335ed-0d95-45ce-9f60-6db293b67b1f))
(fp_line (start -3.68 50.63) (end -3.68 -2.32) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.12) (tstamp 3492c177-dd65-4dda-a611-c77c30c48b04))
(fp_line (start 16.51 49.53) (end 13.97 49.53) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 4b0afc34-525c-4fea-9ac3-0df5d3d28d00))
(fp_line (start 13.97 -1.27) (end 16.51 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5d44a06a-8cab-4848-9102-bf39ce7b7fa0))
(fp_line (start 13.97 49.53) (end 13.97 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 6a366248-4e77-401c-bb75-842ff47d5dc1))
(fp_line (start 11.52 3.48) (end 11.52 -2.32) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 6c08332b-c463-4e52-975b-6cdfbf9b814c))
(fp_line (start -1.27 49.53) (end -1.27 -0.635) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 859cc295-a399-43ab-bdcc-31666f2a4c02))
(fp_line (start 1.27 -1.27) (end 1.27 49.53) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 94306e2c-903d-44a3-8dbe-8a9240bab91f))
(fp_line (start -3.68 50.63) (end 18.92 50.63) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.12) (tstamp a6f091ff-7b7c-47a1-a3e7-ea267f08a28d))
(fp_line (start 3.72 3.48) (end 11.52 3.48) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp acf19aa5-d035-4926-9b0d-05920f0e843f))
(fp_line (start -0.635 -1.27) (end 1.27 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp bcc78cf0-77fe-47fb-a9d3-9ea7d939a05d))
(fp_line (start 3.72 3.48) (end 3.72 -2.32) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp c2493a59-5bec-45a2-9b20-c78870cdf5f3))
(fp_line (start -1.27 -0.635) (end -0.635 -1.27) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp c47261b0-1e00-4d32-9a31-4190fc72fdc6))
(fp_line (start 16.51 -1.27) (end 16.51 49.53) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp cafbf90d-ed41-4ba1-8fb5-8f6cddb723d3))
(fp_line (start -3.68 -2.37) (end 18.92 -2.37) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.12) (tstamp f77010ab-2152-49bf-9e35-ce14b436953b))
(pad "1" thru_hole rect locked (at 0 0 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 63 "Net-(J6-Pad2)") (pinfunction "PB12") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 7480f15c-c2c5-49e4-8212-777a90c6c504))
(pad "2" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 2.54 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 55 "Net-(J6-Pad3)") (pinfunction "PB13") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp e7109592-367a-479a-9fa0-0b11c3379839))
(pad "3" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 5.08 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 64 "Net-(J6-Pad4)") (pinfunction "PB14") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 0cf9adf1-52ab-4ab3-9f29-7cf856891bf9))
(pad "4" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 7.62 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 65 "Net-(J6-Pad5)") (pinfunction "PB15") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 299eeef0-7d56-4635-b020-01ded05170dd))
(pad "5" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 10.16 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 66 "unconnected-(U6-Pad5)") (pinfunction "PA8") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 5d985f00-0a29-4042-823a-6e7651ff27c5))
(pad "6" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 12.7 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 67 "unconnected-(U6-Pad6)") (pinfunction "PA9") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 6e1a1e20-b466-4cfc-b747-531b3a7b4804))
(pad "7" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 15.24 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 45 "unconnected-(U6-Pad7)") (pinfunction "PA10") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp b25502f2-2bb5-4de4-9a78-a44f5e195701))
(pad "8" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 17.78 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 70 "unconnected-(U6-Pad8)") (pinfunction "PA11") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 83244c00-2de8-4e03-88fd-8efb20155da9))
(pad "9" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 20.32 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 72 "unconnected-(U6-Pad9)") (pinfunction "PA12") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 2830768c-d91f-465e-9528-16eeb4230408))
(pad "10" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 22.86 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 73 "unconnected-(U6-Pad10)") (pinfunction "PA15") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp c0f3da99-8398-4763-8316-8e5656f1c4cd))
(pad "11" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 25.4 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 46 "unconnected-(U6-Pad11)") (pinfunction "PB3") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 24e161dd-670f-4bc3-875e-1ef4505a3fa6))
(pad "12" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 27.94 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 47 "unconnected-(U6-Pad12)") (pinfunction "PB4") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 522fb391-610b-4bf7-8e27-a02533615dd3))
(pad "13" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 30.48 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 44 "RX_EN") (pinfunction "PB5") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp b4e25d29-0ab4-4b58-aec8-173cf28ba6dc))
(pad "14" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 33.02 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 43 "SCL_PLL") (pinfunction "PB6") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 4559243c-8bb1-4f66-a32a-81fee340a3bd))
(pad "15" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 35.56 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 42 "SDA_PLL") (pinfunction "PB7") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 723f14f0-85da-45bc-8f86-b7d2aa0fbad4))
(pad "16" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 38.1 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 17 "A_OUT") (pinfunction "PB8") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp ae89c82d-ccf7-4919-8e22-79d579f3a911))
(pad "17" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 40.64 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 77 "unconnected-(U6-Pad17)") (pinfunction "PB9") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 4c4bbd7a-a2a8-4a6e-bdf1-deb04bf75958))
(pad "18" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 43.18 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 27 "+5V") (pinfunction "5V") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp ac69b636-28a3-4665-b38b-15483d7c0c0d))
(pad "19" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 45.72 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "GND") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp e6254c1e-6be8-4cf4-b7b1-e0a15d850699))
(pad "20" thru_hole circle locked (at 0 48.26 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 53 "+3.3V") (pinfunction "3V3") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp 5b67b657-56f2-402a-b4fb-5932bd45cfcf))
(pad "21" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 48.26 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 50 "unconnected-(U6-Pad21)") (pinfunction "VBat") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp 486c2427-8734-483c-a8d3-6222a8cf6179))
(pad "22" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 45.72 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 51 "unconnected-(U6-Pad22)") (pinfunction "PC13") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 708b6528-f34b-40fc-8290-d62bdacfa1a9))
(pad "23" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 43.18 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 78 "unconnected-(U6-Pad23)") (pinfunction "PC14") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 546eec0c-b413-4bf8-8be2-9b2af651a31f))
(pad "24" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 40.64 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 76 "unconnected-(U6-Pad24)") (pinfunction "PC15") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp a22be040-b616-452a-80bf-ecd99f5b5688))
(pad "25" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 38.1 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 15 "ADC_I") (pinfunction "PA0") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp b11ece41-5a5f-409a-9a0d-38eab9f917de))
(pad "26" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 35.56 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 14 "ADC_Q") (pinfunction "PA1") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 4e214afe-3e53-49e1-a9c7-2bd60b25aead))
(pad "27" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 33.02 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 75 "unconnected-(U6-Pad27)") (pinfunction "PA2") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 1ee71046-2c17-43ee-8797-181cfdcfbd4c))
(pad "28" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 30.48 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 74 "unconnected-(U6-Pad28)") (pinfunction "PA3") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 5ff5e036-c9f4-414f-ab4e-1ae9dad5a387))
(pad "29" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 27.94 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 18 "ADC_MIC") (pinfunction "PA4") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 670f77a6-bbda-4db8-a27a-591b52934533))
(pad "30" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 25.4 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 52 "unconnected-(U6-Pad30)") (pinfunction "PA5") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 3d053c59-df51-4089-bfc2-59deda192fd8))
(pad "31" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 22.86 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 26 "BIAS_PWM") (pinfunction "PA6") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 2d773f1a-aaff-4b84-80f9-451d032fa5ed))
(pad "32" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 20.32 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 71 "unconnected-(U6-Pad32)") (pinfunction "PA7") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp c7f35325-3ba4-43f4-a222-7a30b924dc16))
(pad "33" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 17.78 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 69 "unconnected-(U6-Pad33)") (pinfunction "PB0") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp ea5bd477-ccf4-48be-be8c-36434a16e00d))
(pad "34" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 15.24 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 68 "unconnected-(U6-Pad34)") (pinfunction "PB1") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp a7dab6bb-bf7f-4c15-862e-2e4ee1d26d52))
(pad "35" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 12.7 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 49 "SCL_DISP") (pinfunction "PB10") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp 4c94973a-8ee8-4fe3-bcdf-84ea37f5068d))
(pad "36" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 10.16 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 48 "SDA_DISP") (pinfunction "PB11") (pintype "bidirectional") (tstamp c31be386-676f-44b7-a441-fda1e011d33f))
(pad "37" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 7.62 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 54 "unconnected-(U6-Pad37)") (pinfunction "RST") (pintype "input") (tstamp f2e0e4b7-0971-4b74-9f84-277465e68399))
(pad "38" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 5.08 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 53 "+3.3V") (pinfunction "3V3") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp e7b03bf4-a5c2-467a-956c-3cc5e99f45ff))
(pad "39" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 2.54 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "GND") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp 8b97a150-fa47-4295-9e88-adabc8a04ced))
(pad "40" thru_hole circle locked (at 15.24 0 180) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "GND") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp 389e9c83-7a93-449e-b842-dd13126c729f))
(model "D:/Users/admin/Documents/KiCad/Libraries/packages3d/Modules/STM32_Blue_Pill/YAAJ_BluePill_PinHeaders_H_SWD_cp.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(model "D:/Users/admin/Documents/KiCad/Libraries/packages3d/Modules/STM32_Blue_Pill/YAAJ_BluePill_PinHeaders_No_SWD_cp.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(model "D:/Users/admin/Documents/KiCad/Libraries/packages3d/Modules/STM32_Blue_Pill/YAAJ_BluePill_PinHeaders_V_SWD_cp.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(model "D:/Users/admin/Documents/KiCad/Libraries/packages3d/Modules/STM32_Blue_Pill/YAAJ_BluePill_PinSockets_H_SWD_cp.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(model "D:/Users/admin/Documents/KiCad/Libraries/packages3d/Modules/STM32_Blue_Pill/YAAJ_BluePill_PinSockets_No_SWD_cp.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(model "D:/Users/admin/Documents/KiCad/Libraries/packages3d/Modules/STM32_Blue_Pill/YAAJ_BluePill_PinSockets_V_SWD_cp.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp cca7da8c-04d5-41dc-b261-bc0008566fb2)
(at 266.52 43.65)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/51683a91-0e42-41b5-8295-ce0c9db18f2f")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "R1" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 58780d9f-0780-433a-b8e7-f9810a4cf1b0)
(fp_text value "1k" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 2ce7488a-c693-4eb8-984d-d314c47823d5)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 4e81abcd-2f60-4358-b33e-0b43b651e12d)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 0.5225) (end 0.254724 0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 9e8c121e-91ce-4fb4-ba8e-d2021bcf9973))
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp de288ace-3d82-4a4a-ab65-b5751424794a))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 00e3a722-07e0-4f2e-b424-5d2942812cd1))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 7ed135df-43dc-42af-b4c3-e8d9d8af2f21))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp d35c9e59-8937-4f78-81be-7f9c5742f049))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp ef047e2c-bca3-4827-b225-94294c866900))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 34b1ddec-3986-4413-9bd9-4bb3db34a393))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5688a857-c404-4500-8919-fc71283561e5))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 9377a82b-0cd0-465c-8a63-9d7473a20f83))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp d0fc2987-08a8-4cf3-a5db-5aad36b5606e))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 44 "RX_EN") (pintype "passive") (tstamp f88afe3d-0b76-49da-a0cd-97ebd8d4b2ea))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 2 "Net-(Q1-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp e1512baf-495a-4040-8f13-a64e1a1bf72e))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp d68e7495-ee08-486a-b1b5-264836a91492)
(at 66.04 93.1175 90)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/43204522-6598-46fe-b406-3f97da5aee5e")
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(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
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(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 761cb538-b8a8-4257-ad38-1906ebf00ad3))
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(net 9 "Net-(C9-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 9b420c80-e736-4034-9048-c0a7191f0060))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0 90) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 66fa4145-b553-45c9-af6e-f5814a31b4f0))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "TestPoint:TestPoint_THTPad_D1.5mm_Drill0.7mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A0F774F) (tstamp d8760442-9243-43cc-bd2a-2eecaf3b428f)
(at 71.755 97.79)
(descr "THT pad as test Point, diameter 1.5mm, hole diameter 0.7mm")
(tags "test point THT pad")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/c2227004-7a20-4569-81af-beac94841cde")
(attr exclude_from_pos_files)
(fp_text reference "TP5" (at 0 -1.648) (layer "F.SilkS")
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(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
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(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp a6e0cdbc-abcc-46e5-a6de-f073ab3e004f)
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(pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 10 "Net-(C13-Pad1)") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp dbb09a1d-9c10-4f15-852b-28f2983e21bf))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp db32c4e8-81c3-4ce1-bfa5-82de72c25a40)
(at 270.87 36.12)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/0e181ed0-8de2-4f1e-9ee6-edeaac8ca954")
(attr smd)
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(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp b5da3989-fab2-4cae-8ed3-6979dc193295))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp e448b21a-764c-46e2-90d6-3814b5b4a52a))
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(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 889fcb90-6130-4962-a62a-ca44b29783b0))
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(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 "+5V") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 6959f5bb-ddc8-4928-99eb-522040436b02))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 2470c3b4-1b0c-4e16-a859-90799b020bc2))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp db5cde42-88a5-430f-83c7-64cc47b4af32)
(at 262.17 47.99)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/48e29ffa-76cb-4ea8-97ea-fa1619863245")
(attr smd)
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(tstamp 8fb68bb9-cb05-431e-9fb3-7a6ee61a2f6a)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp c257e621-5604-4294-a3ee-1b3c232bd2f0)
(fp_line (start -0.146267 -0.51) (end 0.146267 -0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 0a720e94-4bef-4bda-8516-86a76b58a12d))
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(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 83bedc46-07a8-483b-9241-90e3861af4b6))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp ca61abbc-765c-4e80-9633-cd08e4e5cd8f))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 2c2c0c97-b882-49e7-b904-05931437a4fb))
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(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 "+5V") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 03118d8e-0697-49d9-ab6f-c1960bafc97c))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp f51c99a4-750f-4972-8350-39a0ab6921c4))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 59FED5CC) (tstamp dd31f049-96b6-44f9-b41d-496db876331c)
(at 243.36 35.06)
(descr "Through hole straight pin header, 1x02, 2.54mm pitch, single row")
(tags "Through hole pin header THT 1x02 2.54mm single row")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/8409de60-b60d-4e11-8047-169212ce9d12")
(attr through_hole)
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(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
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(fp_text value "Conn_01x02" (at 0 4.87) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp e1863618-1385-486c-9a54-d355d09bd057)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 1.27 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 1f24b0a1-99bd-4f3e-b574-82af3374dbfd)
(fp_line (start -1.33 -1.33) (end 0 -1.33) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 2478b628-6237-4739-888e-bb74b67329a7))
(fp_line (start 1.33 1.27) (end 1.33 3.87) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 26a68f88-423d-4b55-ba32-ee5a08f5a8b1))
(fp_line (start -1.33 0) (end -1.33 -1.33) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 56c3fc4b-487d-4d0b-99e4-1fcb1424b62b))
(fp_line (start -1.33 1.27) (end -1.33 3.87) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ac5d4caa-8f61-4925-8279-1ab63f1aab74))
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(fp_line (start -1.8 4.35) (end 1.8 4.35) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 9ea7b6c1-665f-48f3-8ddf-6856a74ee7b6))
(fp_line (start 1.8 4.35) (end 1.8 -1.8) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp fd903cdd-46e7-4ff9-9685-71b1ec5d1138))
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(fp_line (start 1.27 -1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 85f6a2ad-4ec3-41c6-86d8-234d64c442e5))
(fp_line (start 1.27 3.81) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 914950a6-9925-43f8-97f3-aca67e7aea72))
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(pad "1" thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 61 "Net-(C21-Pad2)") (pinfunction "Pin_1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp fafa3975-9584-4d65-b106-c69672c7f4f5))
(pad "2" thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54) (size 1.7 1.7) (drill 1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "Pin_2") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 88adc9da-cccc-4ead-85af-0848599d85af))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm.3dshapes/PinHeader_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "TestPoint:TestPoint_THTPad_D1.5mm_Drill0.7mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A0F774F) (tstamp e0ea3e14-5867-4094-9261-eb9e1645c369)
(at 177.855 48.665)
(descr "THT pad as test Point, diameter 1.5mm, hole diameter 0.7mm")
(tags "test point THT pad")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/f73a9ed1-1b51-4f32-b2ae-6f86a9a0ed79")
(attr exclude_from_pos_files)
(fp_text reference "TP12" (at 0 -1.648) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 6401f911-2000-416f-9312-48bd852b339b)
(fp_text value "TestPoint" (at 0 1.75) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp e33c342a-d29a-43bb-9e7d-377f99446842)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 -1.65) (layer "F.Fab")
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(tstamp 9510eab5-64d3-4182-b9df-d3a12e2922ad)
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(pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 17 "A_OUT") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 1b00aa06-577c-4c61-bb0c-b991a5ee1d21))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp e384b5e0-e24d-4937-9884-1a14e895e877)
(at 79.815 95.885)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/a350f3a7-14ce-4f94-ae60-bda37ed6775e")
(attr smd)
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(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
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(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 6a536436-d7e7-4101-8870-89088fb6f250)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp c804716c-4218-4e36-9b53-cdec55440179)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 0.5225) (end 0.254724 0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 0174f2e6-4f20-403a-b71f-e55bf77a66d8))
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(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 12 "Net-(C10-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 8d866224-f247-43c6-8287-5109e80a6e32))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 40 "Net-(R11-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp a7c31a72-52d6-4fea-a051-531852c32f3f))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp e80b1ceb-cb95-4d8c-8c9a-8658bf5172c6)
(at 66.04 97.3825 -90)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/313c0fa0-61d4-4b53-b275-d5ff75cd37cf")
(attr smd)
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(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
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(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 5f1b5628-4e7d-40f6-a0e8-b1c206945f6d)
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(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.8625 0 270) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 12 "Net-(C10-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 3783f150-97fb-4152-9c21-0d41c6cee692))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0 270) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 52588e7b-b1e7-44e2-a4f0-7060b5ff95b6))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp ea760113-6623-47fa-89e2-65e93e308982)
(at 101.6 93.5725 90)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/fe192179-41f0-4802-9dad-b911489e3798")
(attr smd)
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(fp_text value "1nF" (at 0 1.43 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 92cffdb5-24fb-4347-bc96-9cf07816cbc3)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 8786fecd-fdfc-467a-b85d-386dfeffe725)
(fp_line (start -0.146267 0.51) (end 0.146267 0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 84022c34-8f77-4045-9051-56126312c7ef))
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(net 56 "Net-(C16-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 97591834-4c78-4ee0-83f8-7c5f5c49e359))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0 90) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 58 "Net-(C16-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 732d1a23-3a55-4ba9-b503-572d4847630d))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_Elec_5x5.8" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5BC8D926) (tstamp ec83e1af-8d52-4c87-ac1d-4a373ec9d3a3)
(at 123.825 126.365)
(descr "SMD capacitor, aluminum electrolytic nonpolar, 5.0x5.8mm")
(tags "capacitor electrolyic nonpolar")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/15e06373-ef72-4bda-bfe2-3c447d1417c6")
(attr smd)
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(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp b221b348-7d1e-4e03-b012-1fcb4a2754a0)
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(fp_line (start 2.76 2.76) (end 2.76 1.06) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 1503e0db-e48d-4465-b028-5ea9b8b2fce5))
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(fp_line (start 2.65 -2.65) (end 2.65 2.65) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp ad6ed826-a00c-46a4-b404-8f33dba8975f))
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(net 18 "ADC_MIC") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 11447e35-e67e-4588-afc5-d2e8d57dd1cc))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 2.0625 0) (size 2.775 1.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.15625)
(net 35 "Net-(C24-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 0a2005c1-a767-4efb-a7fc-758b61ff7e37))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_Elec_5x5.8.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp f078d555-3c48-4baf-9d76-5d605808989f)
(at 68.58 118.11)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/075f8f3d-671e-4a44-9ba9-6fe5bba64202")
(attr smd)
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(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 2dfc13d9-0c63-4920-a02a-e04f93d45ae1)
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(net 7 "RF") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 0ac4d329-ecfb-4c88-ab74-a707ee6bb50a))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 8 "Net-(C5-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp be22ffa9-b8c8-496c-895a-80fc5e63fbbd))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Package_SO:SO-14_3.9x8.65mm_P1.27mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F427CE7) (tstamp f4a587e5-d3d6-46d0-88d1-d138fb655806)
(at 80.645 69.85 90)
(descr "SO, 14 Pin (https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/l6491.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py")
(tags "SO SO")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/473f541d-257a-48c0-bf0f-36f2ca4d09f9")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "U1" (at 0 -5.28 90) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 7e42ba22-fe8a-4c48-a03c-3223c45c4d9a)
(fp_text value "74HC14" (at 0 5.28 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp dc016b67-3819-4be1-a99f-4534096979a8)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.98 0.98) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 4bc646e7-5265-422c-964a-c79d4fa4ac0d)
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end 1.95 -4.435) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 46d152f1-f4cc-4f98-ae67-dfd3db0689d4))
(fp_line (start 0 -4.435) (end -3.45 -4.435) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 5162bede-0086-48ca-9294-1b6bd0488a04))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end 1.95 4.435) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 6f208e2f-c74d-4334-9d0d-b19b39c147af))
(fp_line (start 0 4.435) (end -1.95 4.435) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp ce9091ba-7049-4cde-adcd-3a1afe0cb0a1))
(fp_line (start -3.7 4.58) (end 3.7 4.58) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 12109e7d-a81b-4b3c-8f5e-d5c402ffb6af))
(fp_line (start -3.7 -4.58) (end -3.7 4.58) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 4cc05254-d44e-4c96-85b9-05036332cc76))
(fp_line (start 3.7 4.58) (end 3.7 -4.58) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp ea06ffaa-c50c-4b47-8348-95bb4a30adaa))
(fp_line (start 3.7 -4.58) (end -3.7 -4.58) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp ee52e726-62c5-45fd-9661-ecc546ec284d))
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(fp_line (start -1.95 4.325) (end -1.95 -3.35) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 42f8d183-5c8c-4844-a9a7-06f5e523577d))
(fp_line (start -1.95 -3.35) (end -0.975 -4.325) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 5b3c2c78-27bb-42cd-bb78-e2f946c51696))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -4.325) (end 1.95 4.325) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 69542bf5-4c0a-4885-9d29-e6b333c410a1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 4.325) (end -1.95 4.325) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b26dd315-5c0a-4f04-9659-cd1faede5672))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -2.475 -3.81 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 20 "CLK0") (pintype "input") (tstamp efb74fe0-3f73-4551-95e0-8b4d57511b5b))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at -2.475 -2.54 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 21 "Net-(U1-Pad2)") (pintype "output") (tstamp bb3adc70-f568-4b72-ab36-7095a1141c04))
(pad "3" smd roundrect (at -2.475 -1.27 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 22 "CLK1") (pintype "input") (tstamp 57333622-222e-4594-a10d-4997468a2a3c))
(pad "4" smd roundrect (at -2.475 0 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 23 "Net-(U1-Pad4)") (pintype "output") (tstamp a2ac5fc0-f161-44bf-b056-5f48382747b5))
(pad "5" smd roundrect (at -2.475 1.27 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 24 "Net-(U1-Pad5)") (pintype "input") (tstamp ee703964-d19f-42cc-98d9-a0a06780bda1))
(pad "6" smd roundrect (at -2.475 2.54 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 5 "Net-(Q2-Pad2)") (pintype "output") (tstamp 1ab30531-1840-425d-87fa-e102fd3efe3e))
(pad "7" smd roundrect (at -2.475 3.81 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 4 "GND") (pinfunction "GND") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp 7f16fb2b-d1ab-4026-9877-7d3a71c6c769))
(pad "8" smd roundrect (at 2.475 3.81 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 24 "Net-(U1-Pad5)") (pintype "output") (tstamp 98e1c611-1088-4d94-af7e-7cd04c022a67))
(pad "9" smd roundrect (at 2.475 2.54 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 20 "CLK0") (pintype "input") (tstamp d6482ddf-ed7c-4f6b-b996-7e207273f6e7))
(pad "10" smd roundrect (at 2.475 1.27 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 11 "Net-(R7-Pad2)") (pintype "output") (tstamp 5e0db2c5-3b8e-4d76-b768-14d4be732451))
(pad "11" smd roundrect (at 2.475 0 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 25 "Net-(U1-Pad11)") (pintype "input") (tstamp 51620bf6-4ea7-4ffa-b93c-05c8eea481cd))
(pad "12" smd roundrect (at 2.475 -1.27 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 25 "Net-(U1-Pad11)") (pintype "output") (tstamp a4fc410e-58d3-4804-a90b-3937319513a9))
(pad "13" smd roundrect (at 2.475 -2.54 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 26 "BIAS_PWM") (pintype "input") (tstamp 7f01c570-0f16-4497-a984-4c86cc3fcc64))
(pad "14" smd roundrect (at 2.475 -3.81 90) (size 1.95 0.6) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 27 "+5V") (pinfunction "VCC") (pintype "power_in") (tstamp a76594ca-783c-407a-a375-cd5250ccaeb2))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Package_SO.3dshapes/SO-14_3.9x8.65mm_P1.27mm.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric_Pad0.98x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEE) (tstamp f92c6d62-a5a7-43a0-b9c1-db2f9d8c99b5)
(at 257.82 35.44)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 72, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "resistor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/9b310a87-67bf-4187-ac22-f61b20b95a6c")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "R6" (at 0 -1.43) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp f828cc21-fddc-420f-ab2c-234f032a7565)
(fp_text value "10k" (at 0 1.43) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp b1038419-643c-4a0f-82c8-125cbad4ad00)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp c6b0b2fe-e5ea-4b48-84f6-05574c508084)
(fp_line (start -0.254724 -0.5225) (end 0.254724 -0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 577e6cf4-a835-4f70-add7-2f733031a375))
(fp_line (start -0.254724 0.5225) (end 0.254724 0.5225) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp be5ef4d0-0609-4131-901c-a141bb978055))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 056d24bb-127b-4319-8a44-83b85dd10266))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 07316998-8bb9-485f-b642-f6f69786ce1d))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 7e395f34-ad01-46e9-ba05-dffd92529818))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp cb0b3e99-c1a3-4398-b45d-2f261d049d70))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 11c1136e-0908-40e8-b30a-35aabe297239))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 6a743e9b-5de4-4603-8d21-75b321ac6ffe))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4125) (end 0.8 0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 6b50e9a0-77cc-46e2-a38b-708fee32ee3d))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4125) (end -0.8 -0.4125) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp b06f271a-b096-422c-9938-f942eb958603))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 5 "Net-(Q2-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp d3fc684b-e4ec-4358-a763-68ffaeca2015))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.9125 0) (size 0.975 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 60 "Net-(C11-Pad1)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 1d888b1e-8487-46c0-b822-51a4babb52a3))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Resistor_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(footprint "TestPoint:TestPoint_THTPad_D1.5mm_Drill0.7mm" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5A0F774F) (tstamp f9550da1-19e5-4d3f-b59f-f94cf14274a6)
(at 71.755 93.98)
(descr "THT pad as test Point, diameter 1.5mm, hole diameter 0.7mm")
(tags "test point THT pad")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/f1eae4af-f502-483e-bd95-2699d20d52ba")
(attr exclude_from_pos_files)
(fp_text reference "TP4" (at 0 -1.648) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 3dbdf080-b4e0-4a9f-87a1-67e5f0e96692)
(fp_text value "TestPoint" (at 0 1.75) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 6b6b178b-90da-4e7e-983c-33f93cb1875c)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 -1.65) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 9058a024-1cde-479a-9ca1-f160a301e4fd)
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 0 0.95) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (fill none) (tstamp d99fcf1b-acb3-4e45-bb80-e21e17e7b597))
(fp_circle (center 0 0) (end 1.25 0) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (fill none) (tstamp 60da2cf9-e33f-4e32-9e0d-95c9c6e612fd))
(pad "1" thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 1.5 1.5) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 9 "Net-(C9-Pad1)") (pinfunction "1") (pintype "passive") (tstamp aa336ff8-1b71-4de1-8332-0f7c59df626c))
(footprint "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric_Pad1.08x0.95mm_HandSolder" (layer "F.Cu")
(tedit 5F68FEEF) (tstamp fdd95d55-6c43-40fe-b004-36b4a88e7622)
(at 86.995 89.3075 90)
(descr "Capacitor SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal with elongated pad for handsoldering. (Body size source: IPC-SM-782 page 76, https://www.pcb-3d.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ipc-sm-782a_amendment_1_and_2.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "capacitor handsolder")
(property "Sheetfile" "File: fartrx.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(path "/64b7680c-f3dc-4bef-a62d-4c365aef8c69")
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference "C19" (at 0 -1.43 90) (layer "F.SilkS")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp 50a52243-1e1b-4554-9011-e6682b49ba4e)
(fp_text value "100nF" (at 0 1.43 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(tstamp e4c05158-2c49-4e5e-b0c2-f21202377e84)
(fp_text user "${REFERENCE}" (at 0 0 90) (layer "F.Fab")
(effects (font (size 0.4 0.4) (thickness 0.06)))
(tstamp 58279ea9-79d1-4019-b4a6-c46f57db6373)
(fp_line (start -0.146267 0.51) (end 0.146267 0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp 1d97d51e-e876-4cca-9c73-2be25f8adf92))
(fp_line (start -0.146267 -0.51) (end 0.146267 -0.51) (layer "F.SilkS") (width 0.12) (tstamp e65e62db-9412-4d6c-8f08-9eb7a7d0b6e9))
(fp_line (start 1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 2ab87868-54d4-4a2c-8c49-27cdb98ab2ec))
(fp_line (start 1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp 7f1fcbfc-c46f-412d-aba7-9308d38d3d00))
(fp_line (start -1.65 -0.73) (end 1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp aa96dc06-80aa-4c5d-8f72-f849e64c424a))
(fp_line (start -1.65 0.73) (end -1.65 -0.73) (layer "F.CrtYd") (width 0.05) (tstamp f944ee9c-e051-4843-8b22-0df14389e385))
(fp_line (start 0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp 6837352f-9708-4037-bb5f-b8732eed3e5f))
(fp_line (start 0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp a9bce28f-63a8-445f-9596-63dcb789ffd6))
(fp_line (start -0.8 0.4) (end -0.8 -0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp c8c21a7f-fb4a-48e1-a5ad-feeb5eccc2d5))
(fp_line (start -0.8 -0.4) (end 0.8 -0.4) (layer "F.Fab") (width 0.1) (tstamp fbcb6767-ed13-4a45-aa7f-f342ca54c870))
(pad "1" smd roundrect (at -0.8625 0 90) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 39 "Net-(C17-Pad2)") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 7d241ab9-364d-46b2-b03b-b72dd1c44390))
(pad "2" smd roundrect (at 0.8625 0 90) (size 1.075 0.95) (layers "F.Cu" "F.Paste" "F.Mask") (roundrect_rratio 0.25)
(net 15 "ADC_I") (pintype "passive") (tstamp 8eb4fa83-d883-405c-b0a1-10d9b472d575))
(model "${KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR}/Capacitor_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603_1608Metric.wrl"
(offset (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(segment (start 64.46 94.94) (end 65.42 93.98) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 0e4acca7-0d64-4a34-bc12-072d23592dc1))
(segment (start 66.04 93.98) (end 71.755 93.98) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 6d5426c1-1328-4f9c-b6f9-7df0e39624eb))
(segment (start 65.42 93.98) (end 66.04 93.98) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 78b407a5-7e96-44f4-8eb8-fd0c69d69db4))
(segment (start 63.1875 94.94) (end 64.46 94.94) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp b9d7b4e6-afc2-41d9-aa4d-bce88b88449a))
(segment (start 71.755 93.98) (end 78.9025 93.98) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp d6f231af-aeab-4a5f-bd9b-1df617475264))
(segment (start 71.755 97.79) (end 78.9025 97.79) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 1d178ab6-b431-4105-b8e4-39e49c51c12b))
(segment (start 63.925 96.24) (end 65.0675 97.3825) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 44f8878d-84fd-4bbb-b4d3-a76ef9d80d4d))
(segment (start 68.58 97.79) (end 67.49 97.79) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 46d8174b-bb27-4d62-bcf2-1a00a78151d9))
(segment (start 68.58 97.79) (end 71.755 97.79) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 587fa9d2-3bc4-4398-8077-b6897bab86f3))
(segment (start 67.49 97.79) (end 67.0825 97.3825) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 6bce424f-a8fa-44de-8bfe-210d201fea68))
(segment (start 65.0675 97.3825) (end 67.0825 97.3825) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp aea2ad1e-2c62-4c42-a51a-f51e2de7fb3c))
(segment (start 63.1875 96.24) (end 63.925 96.24) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp b3d698f3-9664-4fe7-ab03-7c2cbebecc63))
(segment (start 64.475 95.59) (end 65.405 96.52) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 1abe0dc7-8a0e-4585-9ae0-5476bcb6cb05))
(segment (start 63.1875 95.59) (end 64.475 95.59) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 63a09d1c-831d-471c-9ddc-22ff9ddaf183))
(segment (start 68.58 96.52) (end 69.215 95.885) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 66d37adb-e352-4f96-b436-b289b955f3e0))
(segment (start 74.295 95.885) (end 78.9025 95.885) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 81e053bc-7f0b-42d3-a927-3a20ba318655))
(segment (start 65.405 96.52) (end 66.04 96.52) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 8e20b72e-36ea-403c-b2a5-c8afacce81be))
(segment (start 69.215 95.885) (end 74.295 95.885) (width 0.25) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp e00ac982-64db-4a5f-977d-5d035fd261e7))
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