Thu May 5 00:22:45 2016 options author Manolis Surligas ( window_size category Custom comment description A generic FM demodulation block _enabled True _coordinate (8, 8) _rotation 0 generate_options no_gui hier_block_src_path .: id satnogs_generic_iq_receiver max_nouts 0 qt_qss_theme realtime_scheduling run_command {python} -u {filename} run_options run run True thread_safe_setters title Generic IQ samples receiver variable comment _enabled True _coordinate (568, 508) _rotation 0 id audio_decimation value 2 variable comment Decimation factor for the RX after the SDR received samples _enabled True _coordinate (336, 612) _rotation 0 id audio_gain value satnogs.fm_demod_settings[rx_sdr_device]['audio_gain'] variable comment _enabled True _coordinate (568, 580) _rotation 0 id audio_samp_rate value 44100 variable comment Decimation factor for the RX after the SDR received samples _enabled True _coordinate (192, 612) _rotation 0 id decimation_rx value satnogs.fm_demod_settings[rx_sdr_device]['decimation_rx'] variable comment _enabled True _coordinate (432, 476) _rotation 0 id quadrature_rate value samp_rate_rx / decimation_rx variable comment SDR device TX sampling rate _enabled True _coordinate (192, 484) _rotation 0 id samp_rate_rx value satnogs.hw_rx_settings[rx_sdr_device]['samp_rate'] variable_low_pass_filter_taps beta 6.76 comment cutoff_freq 100e3 _enabled 1 _coordinate (560, 648) _rotation 0 gain 12.0 id taps samp_rate samp_rate_rx width 60000 win firdes.WIN_HAMMING analog_sig_source_x amp 1 alias comment affinity _enabled 0 freq -lo_offset _coordinate (312, 24) _rotation 0 id analog_sig_source_x_0 maxoutbuf 0 minoutbuf 0 offset 0 type complex samp_rate samp_rate_rx waveform analog.GR_COS_WAVE blocks_file_sink append False alias comment affinity _enabled True file file_path _coordinate (784, 284) _rotation 0 id blocks_file_sink_0 type complex unbuffered True vlen 1 blocks_multiply_xx alias comment affinity _enabled 0 _coordinate (568, 64) _rotation 0 id blocks_multiply_xx_0 type complex maxoutbuf 0 minoutbuf 0 num_inputs 2 vlen 1 parameter alias comment _enabled True _coordinate (64, 860) _rotation 0 id doppler_correction_per_sec label short_id type intx value 1000 parameter alias comment _enabled True _coordinate (64, 620) _rotation 0 id file_path label short_id type string value test.wav freq_xlating_fir_filter_xxx alias center_freq lo_offset comment affinity decim decimation_rx _enabled 1 _coordinate (520, 280) _rotation 0 id freq_xlating_fir_filter_xxx_0 maxoutbuf 0 minoutbuf 0 samp_rate samp_rate_rx taps taps type ccc parameter alias comment To avoid the SDR carrier at the DC we shift the LO a little further _enabled True _coordinate (328, 476) _rotation 0 id lo_offset label short_id type eng_float value 100e3 osmosdr_source alias ant0 satnogs.hw_rx_settings[rx_sdr_device]['antenna'] bb_gain0 satnogs.hw_rx_settings[rx_sdr_device]['bb_gain'] bw0 samp_rate_rx dc_offset_mode0 0 corr0 0 freq0 rx_freq - lo_offset gain_mode0 False if_gain0 satnogs.hw_rx_settings[rx_sdr_device]['if_gain'] iq_balance_mode0 0 gain0 satnogs.hw_rx_settings[rx_sdr_device]['rf_gain'] ant10 bb_gain10 20 bw10 0 dc_offset_mode10 0 corr10 0 freq10 100e6 gain_mode10 False if_gain10 20 iq_balance_mode10 0 gain10 10 ant11 bb_gain11 20 bw11 0 dc_offset_mode11 0 corr11 0 freq11 100e6 gain_mode11 False if_gain11 20 iq_balance_mode11 0 gain11 10 ant12 bb_gain12 20 bw12 0 dc_offset_mode12 0 corr12 0 freq12 100e6 gain_mode12 False if_gain12 20 iq_balance_mode12 0 gain12 10 ant13 bb_gain13 20 bw13 0 dc_offset_mode13 0 corr13 0 freq13 100e6 gain_mode13 False if_gain13 20 iq_balance_mode13 0 gain13 10 ant14 bb_gain14 20 bw14 0 dc_offset_mode14 0 corr14 0 freq14 100e6 gain_mode14 False if_gain14 20 iq_balance_mode14 0 gain14 10 ant15 bb_gain15 20 bw15 0 dc_offset_mode15 0 corr15 0 freq15 100e6 gain_mode15 False if_gain15 20 iq_balance_mode15 0 gain15 10 ant16 bb_gain16 20 bw16 0 dc_offset_mode16 0 corr16 0 freq16 100e6 gain_mode16 False if_gain16 20 iq_balance_mode16 0 gain16 10 ant17 bb_gain17 20 bw17 0 dc_offset_mode17 0 corr17 0 freq17 100e6 gain_mode17 False if_gain17 20 iq_balance_mode17 0 gain17 10 ant18 bb_gain18 20 bw18 0 dc_offset_mode18 0 corr18 0 freq18 100e6 gain_mode18 False if_gain18 20 iq_balance_mode18 0 gain18 10 ant19 bb_gain19 20 bw19 0 dc_offset_mode19 0 corr19 0 freq19 100e6 gain_mode19 False if_gain19 20 iq_balance_mode19 0 gain19 10 ant1 bb_gain1 20 bw1 0 dc_offset_mode1 0 corr1 0 freq1 100e6 gain_mode1 False if_gain1 20 iq_balance_mode1 0 gain1 10 ant20 bb_gain20 20 bw20 0 dc_offset_mode20 0 corr20 0 freq20 100e6 gain_mode20 False if_gain20 20 iq_balance_mode20 0 gain20 10 ant21 bb_gain21 20 bw21 0 dc_offset_mode21 0 corr21 0 freq21 100e6 gain_mode21 False if_gain21 20 iq_balance_mode21 0 gain21 10 ant22 bb_gain22 20 bw22 0 dc_offset_mode22 0 corr22 0 freq22 100e6 gain_mode22 False if_gain22 20 iq_balance_mode22 0 gain22 10 ant23 bb_gain23 20 bw23 0 dc_offset_mode23 0 corr23 0 freq23 100e6 gain_mode23 False if_gain23 20 iq_balance_mode23 0 gain23 10 ant24 bb_gain24 20 bw24 0 dc_offset_mode24 0 corr24 0 freq24 100e6 gain_mode24 False if_gain24 20 iq_balance_mode24 0 gain24 10 ant25 bb_gain25 20 bw25 0 dc_offset_mode25 0 corr25 0 freq25 100e6 gain_mode25 False if_gain25 20 iq_balance_mode25 0 gain25 10 ant26 bb_gain26 20 bw26 0 dc_offset_mode26 0 corr26 0 freq26 100e6 gain_mode26 False if_gain26 20 iq_balance_mode26 0 gain26 10 ant27 bb_gain27 20 bw27 0 dc_offset_mode27 0 corr27 0 freq27 100e6 gain_mode27 False if_gain27 20 iq_balance_mode27 0 gain27 10 ant28 bb_gain28 20 bw28 0 dc_offset_mode28 0 corr28 0 freq28 100e6 gain_mode28 False if_gain28 20 iq_balance_mode28 0 gain28 10 ant29 bb_gain29 20 bw29 0 dc_offset_mode29 0 corr29 0 freq29 100e6 gain_mode29 False if_gain29 20 iq_balance_mode29 0 gain29 10 ant2 bb_gain2 20 bw2 0 dc_offset_mode2 0 corr2 0 freq2 100e6 gain_mode2 False if_gain2 20 iq_balance_mode2 0 gain2 10 ant30 bb_gain30 20 bw30 0 dc_offset_mode30 0 corr30 0 freq30 100e6 gain_mode30 False if_gain30 20 iq_balance_mode30 0 gain30 10 ant31 bb_gain31 20 bw31 0 dc_offset_mode31 0 corr31 0 freq31 100e6 gain_mode31 False if_gain31 20 iq_balance_mode31 0 gain31 10 ant3 bb_gain3 20 bw3 0 dc_offset_mode3 0 corr3 0 freq3 100e6 gain_mode3 False if_gain3 20 iq_balance_mode3 0 gain3 10 ant4 bb_gain4 20 bw4 0 dc_offset_mode4 0 corr4 0 freq4 100e6 gain_mode4 False if_gain4 20 iq_balance_mode4 0 gain4 10 ant5 bb_gain5 20 bw5 0 dc_offset_mode5 0 corr5 0 freq5 100e6 gain_mode5 False if_gain5 20 iq_balance_mode5 0 gain5 10 ant6 bb_gain6 20 bw6 0 dc_offset_mode6 0 corr6 0 freq6 100e6 gain_mode6 False if_gain6 20 iq_balance_mode6 0 gain6 10 ant7 bb_gain7 20 bw7 0 dc_offset_mode7 0 corr7 0 freq7 100e6 gain_mode7 False if_gain7 20 iq_balance_mode7 0 gain7 10 ant8 bb_gain8 20 bw8 0 dc_offset_mode8 0 corr8 0 freq8 100e6 gain_mode8 False if_gain8 20 iq_balance_mode8 0 gain8 10 ant9 bb_gain9 20 bw9 0 dc_offset_mode9 0 corr9 0 freq9 100e6 gain_mode9 False if_gain9 20 iq_balance_mode9 0 gain9 10 comment affinity args satnogs.hw_rx_settings[rx_sdr_device]['dev_arg'] _enabled 1 _coordinate (24, 256) _rotation 0 id osmosdr_source_0 maxoutbuf 0 clock_source0 time_source0 clock_source1 time_source1 clock_source2 time_source2 clock_source3 time_source3 clock_source4 time_source4 clock_source5 time_source5 clock_source6 time_source6 clock_source7 time_source7 minoutbuf 0 nchan 1 num_mboards 1 type fc32 sample_rate samp_rate_rx sync qtgui_freq_sink_x autoscale False average 1.0 axislabels True bw samp_rate_rx alias fc 0 comment ctrlpanel True affinity _enabled 0 fftsize 1024 _coordinate (792, 28) gui_hint _rotation 0 grid True id qtgui_freq_sink_x_0 legend True alpha1 1.0 color1 "blue" label1 width1 1 alpha10 1.0 color10 "dark blue" label10 width10 1 alpha2 1.0 color2 "red" label2 width2 1 alpha3 1.0 color3 "green" label3 width3 1 alpha4 1.0 color4 "black" label4 width4 1 alpha5 1.0 color5 "cyan" label5 width5 1 alpha6 1.0 color6 "magenta" label6 width6 1 alpha7 1.0 color7 "yellow" label7 width7 1 alpha8 1.0 color8 "dark red" label8 width8 1 alpha9 1.0 color9 "dark green" label9 width9 1 maxoutbuf 0 minoutbuf 0 name "" nconnections 1 showports True freqhalf True tr_chan 0 tr_level 0.0 tr_mode qtgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE tr_tag "" type complex update_time 0.01 wintype firdes.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS label Relative Gain ymax 10 ymin -140 units dB parameter alias comment _enabled True _coordinate (64, 780) _rotation 0 id rigctl_port label short_id type intx value 4532 parameter alias comment _enabled True _coordinate (64, 700) _rotation 0 id rx_freq label short_id type eng_float value 100e6 parameter alias comment _enabled True _coordinate (64, 484) _rotation 0 id rx_sdr_device label short_id type string value usrpb200 satnogs_doppler_correction_cc alias comment affinity corrections_per_sec doppler_correction_per_sec _enabled 1 _coordinate (304, 256) _rotation 0 id satnogs_doppler_correction_cc_0 maxoutbuf 0 minoutbuf 0 sampling_rate samp_rate_rx target_freq rx_freq satnogs_tcp_rigctl_msg_source alias comment affinity _enabled 1 _coordinate (24, 164) _rotation 0 id satnogs_tcp_rigctl_msg_source_0 addr "" port rigctl_port mtu 1500 maxoutbuf 0 minoutbuf 0 analog_sig_source_x_0 blocks_multiply_xx_0 0 0 blocks_multiply_xx_0 qtgui_freq_sink_x_0 0 0 freq_xlating_fir_filter_xxx_0 blocks_file_sink_0 0 0 osmosdr_source_0 blocks_multiply_xx_0 0 1 osmosdr_source_0 satnogs_doppler_correction_cc_0 0 0 satnogs_doppler_correction_cc_0 freq_xlating_fir_filter_xxx_0 0 0 satnogs_tcp_rigctl_msg_source_0 satnogs_doppler_correction_cc_0 freq freq