# gr-satnogs: SatNOGS GNU Radio Out-Of-Tree Module gr-satnogs is an out-of-tree GNU Radio module that provides all the necessary tools for decoding signals from various scientific and academic sattelites. ## Install ### Requirements * GNU Radio ( > 3.7.7 ) * CMake ( > 3.1) * G++ (with C++11 support) * VOLK * git *** Optional *** * gr-osmocom (for using the flowgraphs with real SDR hardware) * libnova (for building the debug blocks) * libvorbis (for ogg vorbis encoder block) ### Installation 1. `git clone https://github.com/satnogs/gr-satnogs.git` 2. `cd gr-satnogs` 3. `mkdir build` 4. `cmake ..` 5. `make` 6. `sudo make install` If this is the first time you are building the gr-satnogs module run `sudo ldconfig` #### Advanced By default, the **SatNOGS** module will use the default installation prefix. This highly depends on the Linux distribution. You can use the `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` variable to alter the default installation path. E.g: `cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..` Also, by default the build system enables a set of blocks used for debugging during the development. The enable/disable switch is controled through the `INCLUDE_DEBUG_BLOCKS` boolean variable. If for example, you want to disable the debugging blocks, the **CMake** command would be: `cmake -DINCLUDE_DEBUG_BLOCKS=OFF ..` Another common control option is the library sugffix of the Linux distribution. There are distributions like Fedora, openSUSE, e.t.c that the their 64-bit version use the `lib64` folder to store the 64-bit versions of their dynamic libraries. On the other hand, distributions like Ubuntu do the exact opposite. They use `lib` directory for the libraries of the native architecture and place the 32-bit versions on the `lib32` directory. In any case the correct library directory suffix can be specified with the `LIB_SUFFIX` variable. For example: `cmake -DLIB_SUFFIX=64 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DINCLUDE_DEBUG_BLOCKS=OFF ..` will install the libraries at the `/usr/lib64` directory. ## Website For more indormation about SatNOGS please visit our [site](https://satnogs.org/). ## License © 2016 [Libre Space Foundation](http://librespacefoundation.org). Licensed under the [GPLv3](LICENSE).