version: '3.8' services: rigctld: image: librespace/hamlib:latest user: '999' read_only: true environment: MODEL: '1' restart: 'unless-stopped' command: 'rigctld' satnogs_client: image: librespace/satnogs-client:master # LSF stable docker image #image: librespace/satnogs-client:master-unstable # LSF experimental docker image #image: librespace/satnogs-client:lsf-addons # LSF stable + gr-satellites and addons #image: librespace/satnogs-client:lsf-dev-addons # LSF unstable + gr-satellites and addons user: '999' read_only: true init: true # init is needed when launching processes in the background #env_file: # - ./station.env environment: SATNOGS_RIG_IP: 'rigctld' SATNOGS_RIG_PORT: '4532' command: 'satnogs-client' # default device_cgroup_rules: - 'c 189:* rwm' devices: - '/dev/bus/usb' volumes: - type: 'tmpfs' target: '/tmp' - type: 'volume' source: 'satnogs-client' target: '/var/lib/satnogs-client' restart: 'unless-stopped' stop_grace_period: 1s volumes: satnogs-client: # persistent named volume for the station